Relson Gracie


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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It now is a very real possibility that I will be moving to Hawaii and I have a standing invitation to train with Relson Gracie at his school in Honolulu. I met on of his brown belts at a hostel and we rolled a little and he was impressed enough to offer to introduce me. So, what do people know about him? Can anyone give me some info? I've checked his website and all I have to say is that this guy needs to hire Bob Hubbard to put something together...
Relson Gracie is one of the original "Gracie Brothers" of the Gracie Challenge fame. Moved to Hawaii, and started teaching there many years back. Is considered within the family to be an excellent technician and teacher. Is considered by some in the family as the guy who would beat Rickson in a bar fight...not because he's a better GJJ/BJJ technician, but because he's more nuts; just as likely to brain an opponent with a bottle or stool, as to put him in a choke or mount him.

I've trained under Royce & Rorion, then under Rickson. If I had another year of that level of physicality in me and a wish list, I'd go with Relson just for the perspective.

Have fun; it's bound to be interesting and eye-opening.

I have met Relson and trained at a few of his seminars and a couple of semi privates. I always came away happy with what I had learned.
There are a LOT of places to train Hawaii. When last there I trained at Grappling Unlimited, Baret Yoshida's place and a place on North Shore (I don't remember the black belt's name I trained with, sorry). I did not train at Relson's only because I had heard he might not be too happy with outsiders coming in, this is just what I heard. I too have heard that he is a bit crazy and very opinionated, but absolutely sick on the mat.
Have the New Zealand plans become derailed?

Not permanently. This is more of a test to see if my family can live far away from other family and a time for me to earn my PhD. It's a lot cheaper to visit then NZ.
Not permanently. This is more of a test to see if my family can live far away from other family and a time for me to earn my PhD. It's a lot cheaper to visit then NZ.

Yeah, I hear ya. Hawaii is pretty expensive too tho, I've considered moving there myself.
I took a class with Relson last year when he visited my school. The pace was rapid and energetic and I had a blast.
