really need help with get me to the gym


White Belt
Jan 8, 2009
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ey everyone

a friend of my have a really big problem he wants to start muay thai
(he is 15) but his father and mother are against the whole martial arts idea. have anyone tips for him to convince his parents that martial arts (muay thai) is not a bad sport?

There could be a lot of issues as to why some parent's don't allow their children to participate in the MA's. Lots of times, it's a money issue (it's not exactly cheap.) Other times, it's a family structure thing: they would rather have their child at home working on his/her education.

Personally, I would respect their wishes. Not allowing your kid to learn a MA doesn't make you evil by a long shot. However, I would try to talk to them about it. Show them the up sides to training in a MA. If they still say no, then I guess that's it. When the kid grows up, maybe he or she will pick up Muay Thai.
Could be religion. I know when I was younger my mother was strongly against me studying martial arts because of our religion at that time. So mcuh so that my dad would teach me things here and there when she wasn't around. A little boy needs to know how to protect himself you know. God bless our fathers.
If that is the case depending on the religion I may be able to give you some pointers on some things you could says that may or may not help.
The need for young people to protect themselves from the preditors of the world should NEVER be over looked...
what got me into karate was that a karate instructor talked to my mom ad told her all the good morals we learn such as respect, honor, discpline, humility, compassion and such things that would help me grow up to be a better person on the outside as well as the inside. See at that point in my life i NEEDED major disicpline in my life so my mom signed me up. And now i'm better lol. :D It couldv'e been that i was just a bratty 12 year old at the time and now i'm a grown 18 year old. lol
what got me into karate was that a karate instructor talked to my mom ad told her all the good morals we learn such as respect, honor, discpline, humility, compassion and such things that would help me grow up to be a better person on the outside as well as the inside. See at that point in my life i NEEDED major disicpline in my life so my mom signed me up. And now i'm better lol. :D It couldv'e been that i was just a bratty 12 year old at the time and now i'm a grown 18 year old. lol

That is wonderful and I wish I could have said the same about training in an MA when I was a teen/preteen and met some MA instructors who promised those personality traits, but were unable to instill them in me. I think it was the instructors. It soured my view on a lot of aspects of TMA training structure.

Aside from my parents, I picked up a lot of "training" in that moral/discipline field volunteering for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

To the OP, is your friend out of shape? A good trainer could cut those pounds off like, heh, a hot knife through butter. That could be a reason to convince them to let their child train.
That is wonderful and I wish I could have said the same about training in an MA when I was a teen/preteen and met some MA instructors who promised those personality traits, but were unable to instill them in me. I think it was the instructors. It soured my view on a lot of aspects of TMA training structure.

Aside from my parents, I picked up a lot of "training" in that moral/discipline field volunteering for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

Yeah I had Major attitude problems and i even came into my dojo with a dont mess with me personality...until i realized that EVERYONE there could kick my **** and instead of breaking my pride by getting laughed at for my attitude, i became something that was completely unfamiliar to me, i believe the word was "friendly". :D and then everything came together perfectly. of course part of that attitude still arises (for i'm still a teen lol) but i know when to hold back. ;)
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