Really enjoying Shaolin wushu


Orange Belt
Been practicing shaolin and kempo at a local school for a couple years but recently moved to a large, very professional shaolin wushu school that’s farther away. They are VERY exact with their forms and I have to work 10x harder than I did the past few years ever. Super fast paced, work hard or leave. I am really loving the challenge. I’ve gone from one of the better students to one of the worst students by switching schools, but I’m excited to see how much I can learn and get better. They also have a san da class once a week to make sure we have self defense/fighting skills. I’m considering doing gymnastics lessons once a week on the side to help me move faster with aerials/acrobats but I might just see how things go with the school alone (I am in my 20s and never did gymnastics before, but I don’t want that to hold me back). Either way, I’m going from intermediate rank to white belt and I couldn’t be happier. Even if I’m the worst student, I love watching all the better students do wild stuff and it’s really inspiring. Just wanted to share, it sucks getting “demoted” but it’s better to see it as only an opportunity!
That's awesome, bro. There is very little in life as wonderful as enjoying your training. Go gettum'.
Athleticism and gymnastics are a very under rated skill in martial arts.

People look down their noses at people leaping around throwing acrobatics in training but will quickly make the excuse that they were only beaten because the other guy was fitter.
Athleticism and gymnastics are a very under rated skill in martial arts.

People look down their noses at people leaping around throwing acrobatics in training but will quickly make the excuse that they were only beaten because the other guy was fitter.

I agree! Wushu gets a lot of heat for flowery fists, but the people who are doing those moves are in such incredible shape and can probably “out-parkour” most attackers in a self defense situation, plus should know enough for temporary self defense.
Athleticism and gymnastics are a very under rated skill in martial arts.

People look down their noses at people leaping around throwing acrobatics in training but will quickly make the excuse that they were only beaten because the other guy was fitter.
Besides, that stuff looks like a lot of fun! Man, I wish I'd shaped up my attitude back when I was in my 20's. I missed out on some stuff.
Besides, that stuff looks like a lot of fun! Man, I wish I'd shaped up my attitude back when I was in my 20's. I missed out on some stuff.

I did some in my early 30s.....but this body does not do, and never did, no handed, single handed or two handed cartwheels (especially while holding a jian) . And it was the Shaolin Staff that broke my ankle, the second time, and made me realize this style was not for me.
I did some in my early 30s.....but this body does not do, and never did, no handed, single handed or two handed cartwheels (especially while holding a jian) . And it was the Shaolin Staff that broke my ankle, the second time, and made me realize this style was not for me.
I never learned to do a cartwheel, which surprises me every time I think about it.
My next thing is to try to make handstand kicks work.
I keep wanting to get back to working on handstands - have to keep my shoulders healthy long enough to build up to that. I doubt I'll get anywhere near a handstand kick, though. Not even sure what that is.
I keep wanting to get back to working on handstands - have to keep my shoulders healthy long enough to build up to that. I doubt I'll get anywhere near a handstand kick, though. Not even sure what that is.

I say go for it, just use a mat or soft floor and the wall. Try headstands first to get used to being upside down, and I’d suggest practicing rolls/somersaults first for safer falls if you can.
I say go for it, just use a mat or soft floor and the wall. Try headstands first to get used to being upside down, and I’d suggest practicing rolls/somersaults first for safer falls if you can.
I've been practicing falls for 35 years, so that won't be the issue. I've just had a rash of arm/shoulder injuries over the last 3 years, leaving my shoulders underpowered, so I have to be careful not to re-injure them before I build up the strength to protect them.
I've been practicing falls for 35 years, so that won't be the issue. I've just had a rash of arm/shoulder injuries over the last 3 years, leaving my shoulders underpowered, so I have to be careful not to re-injure them before I build up the strength to protect them.
Ah ok that’ll do it.
Looks like that can generate some real power, if you can find the right opportunity where you can execute without getting a straight kick during the move.

There was a video I saw a little while back - I think it was on here, but can't really remember...

A well placed tiny kick gave the guy doing the handstand move an omnidirectional elbow :/
I never learned to cartwheel either, which is why I no longer do Shaolin stuff
I had a pretty decent repertoire of minor acrobatics during my tenure as a capoeirista. By the time I encountered Modern Wushu I was drifting away from capoeira and was no longer terribly interested in that kind of thing. I told my Sifu I only wanted the traditional training.
I had a pretty decent repertoire of minor acrobatics during my tenure as a capoeirista. By the time I encountered Modern Wushu I was drifting away from capoeira and was no longer terribly interested in that kind of thing. I told my Sifu I only wanted the traditional training.

That was my first shift. I also learned mostly competition forms of Taijiquan, a competition form of Xingyiquan (that was horrible) and Baguazhang (which was surprised not bad, in retrospect I wish I had stayed and trained more Bagua with him)
There was a video I saw a little while back - I think it was on here, but can't really remember...

A well placed tiny kick gave the guy doing the handstand move an omnidirectional elbow :/
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

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