I have read and liked:
Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence Sgt. Rory Miller
Bouncer's Guide to Barroom Brawling: Dealing with the Sucker Puncher, Streetfighter, and Ambusher. Peyton Quinn
The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting. Kris Wilder, Lawrence A. Kane, Marc "Animal" MacYoung, Rory Miller, Lt. Col. John R. Finch
I recall much of these books focused on the psychological and emotional aspects of violence. Awareness, avoidance, deescalation methods, telling whether your about to get into a pride fight vs a pure violence fight, and mentally dealing with violence coming at you from one or more folks. Also legal implications. Maybe a small portion was on martial arts - usually the authors talking about stuff that does not work against a violent person intent on damaging you. I did appreciate these disucssions as they are usually not discussed much in my MMA classes. As far as mentally preparing I have appreciated my sparing classes which at times have include simulated stuff like multiple attackers throwing punches at me against a wall - even if 16 oz gloves - its unnerving for a beginner to be surrounded and punches coming at you from everywhere and nowhere to go.