
Is this really the same sort of thing, chaps?

I can't watch the video as I am at work and the Net Nannie says "No!" but the comments beneath seem to consist of a couple of people, who have watched it, saying the statement was over and the mic was open for questions and then a lot of 'passionate' people frothing on insulting Democratic party voters.

That's not constructive discourse but sadly seems to be par for the course on all matters of politics ... religion ... favourite colour etc. I despair that the ability the Net should give us to exchange ideas and viewpoints is instead just used to exchange abuse and attempt to drown thought under the Dogma of Crowds.
Is this really the same sort of thing, chaps?

I can't watch the video as I am at work and the Net Nannie says "No!" but the comments beneath seem to consist of a couple of people, who have watched it, saying the statement was over and the mic was open for questions and then a lot of 'passionate' people frothing on insulting Democratic party voters.

That's not constructive discourse but sadly seems to be par for the course on all matters of politics ... religion ... favourite colour etc. I despair that the ability the Net should give us to exchange ideas and viewpoints is instead just used to exchange abuse and attempt to drown thought under the Dogma of Crowds.

Again you say it so well True True!! It does seem alot of time is spent to say the right is always righteous either in atacking or in claiming to be the victim and all those who do not agree are unworthy and if all else fails call names? What suprises me is the short net attention span? Less provocative statements seem to disapear in minutes while hateful posturing can lingure for days? The good part is when we loose our dignity probably say something we should not have it goes away from the screen. However it is kept as net record to be dredged up and put in our face again at some later date.

What concerns me about Blls threads is that there are so many who agree with him and it would seem the world in general if looking at the current economic strugles in Europe in elections and current polls taken that even people on the left are willing to consider dogma and policies instituted by Germany and even Nazi/Facist templates if it will help thier financial plight? That is a scary trend and proves that history will repeat itself given enough finacial strife.

There is constant pandering by the Right and in our current electoral process that is classic facist manipulation by propossing that all our problems are created by a certain group of people who are less moral and less worthy and therefor give us more control, take away benefits to those people even gender and your lot will improve?
Soooo...what is your favorite color Sukerkin...:angel:

:chuckles: A leading question if I ever heard one there :D. My favourite colour is what I call English Green, which is the shade the grass on the hill sides goes as early summer gets into it's stride. Pure, verdant, loveliness that speaks to me of the "Green and pleasant land" so famed by poetic line.
See Sukerkin, the right answer is actually Dark Blue, everyone knows that...:angel: