RBSD talks a big game about “situational awareness,” but nobody actually teaches it, except a few people?

Let me give you an example..
A nerdy looking geek decides he wants to go into a biker bar full of rowdy guys with his cute Teacher wife.
Would this be a good idea? Now his wife is plain but pretty & is showing some nice curves.
Or would it maybe be better to avoid the said Bar & go to a nice Bistro 15 minutes away? Talking everyday situations here.
Another example:
Nerdy guy is at the bar, two loud rednecks are eye balling him & grunting farting. He needs to pee...is it wise to turn his back to them & go into the mens room alone? What could be their intentions? Can he risk it..
Ok a bit of fun here but you know what I'm saying.

They are pretty intuitive examples. We should probably train for the less intuitive ones.
