2nd Black Belt
I just read on two other sites that Randy Coulture is set to return to the UFC this Year to challenge Tim Slyiva for the title....the question is with heath Herring and Mirko signed up aswel is there any room for Randy in the heavyweight division Im mean the guys past 40 now?I've always like Randy as a fighter but it pains me to see old legends ruin thier records by trying to compete with the younger boys...DONT DO IT RANDY!!!
BTW if Randy was ten years younger he would whoop Timmy..infact he could proberly still Whoop Tim now( I cannot see any putting up with that jab rubbish, Randy's dirty Boxing would put a stop to that straight away )....im just not so sure about Randy vs the rest of the division.
BTW if Randy was ten years younger he would whoop Timmy..infact he could proberly still Whoop Tim now( I cannot see any putting up with that jab rubbish, Randy's dirty Boxing would put a stop to that straight away )....im just not so sure about Randy vs the rest of the division.