Ramblings on "Beating Up Bob Hurts"


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
I was over at a friend of mine's house...let me tell you BOB can be fun to work out on but does not hold up well with knife work....I'm not sure but I think I may even remember seeing a bullet hole in him.....
Originally posted by Seig
...let me tell you BOB can be fun to work out on but does not hold up well with knife work....I'm not sure but I think I may even remember seeing a bullet hole in him.....

:confused: , :rofl: :rofl: Are you sure that is his actual use?:rofl:
I want a BOB!!

Years ago, I built my own pseudo-BOB. I took an old pair of pants and an old long sleeve shirt, tied off the ends (feet and hand openings), and stuffed both full of old rags. Then, I tied them together. I took an old basketball and wrapped it in a pillowcase, and attached it as well. Then, I wrapped the whole lot in duct tape and suspended it from my basement ceiling.

That sucker took a lot of beating, until I had a karate party one night, and the Black Belts disassembled the poor guy.

Someday, maybe I will make another one...;)

Originally posted by tonbo
I want a BOB!!

Years ago, I built my own pseudo-BOB. I took an old pair of pants and an old long sleeve shirt, tied off the ends (feet and hand openings), and stuffed both full of old rags. Then, I tied them together. I took an old basketball and wrapped it in a pillowcase, and attached it as well. Then, I wrapped the whole lot in duct tape and suspended it from my basement ceiling.

That sucker took a lot of beating, until I had a karate party one night, and the Black Belts disassembled the poor guy.

Someday, maybe I will make another one...;)

We used to make scarecrow like things to beat up on too. I thought BOB was pretty cool. The first time I actually got to lay hands on one was at a sporting goods store where they had set one up to let people, "try". I let loose with some kenpo hands on it and freaked the kid working that department. Also drew some very strange looks from the people in the ski department right next to it.
you Know if you get to close to Bob when you strike his mid section be starts to fall over. Once, in class, I tried to catch the falling bob by grabbing his shoulders. I took me right down with it.
People were wondering how I let a manequin kick my a**, but I think he's got a mean streak.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
you Know if you get to close to Bob when you strike his mid section be starts to fall over. Once, in class, I tried to catch the falling bob by grabbing his shoulders. I took me right down with it.
People were wondering how I let a manequin kick my a**, but I think he's got a mean streak.

Holy cow!!!........I didn't know that B.O.B. was a tough S.O.B.:rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Holy cow!!!........I didn't know that B.O.B. was a tough S.O.B.:rofl:

I have now discovered Mr. Farnsworths weakness!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by RCastillo

You said you discovered my weakness. I was trying to figure out how you perceived my weakness as B.O.B. mistaken for my weakness of women.:eek:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
You said you discovered my weakness. I was trying to figure out how you perceived my weakness as B.O.B. mistaken for my weakness of women.:eek:

No, the fact that B.O.B. beat you. Back to the drawing board for JF!;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
You may have won a little tiny sub-battle but it's far from over.:wavey:

Hey, gotta start somewhere. It's gonna snowball from here on out!:eek: