quickest defeat



when i fight, i know how deadly i can be. so i try the best not to inflict too much hard on someone. ive thought of strategies to take down an opponent fast without injuring him too much but i'd like to read some of your suggestions.

please post the fastest way youll take down the opponent
most of the street punks out there try and use the tackle which is a mistake since i am in JUDO/JiJUTsu i pull out my gilaten and bam they are unconus and i can leave at my own despense.:cool:
Just saying use the gilaten when tackled . Works 98% of the time inless you face another good grappler then go to plan B
When someone attacks me, I like to wail in a high-pitched voice one of two things:

1) Not in the face! Not in the face!


2) I'm a bleeder!


Originally posted by Cthulhu

When someone attacks me, I like to wail in a high-pitched voice one of two things:

1) Not in the face! Not in the face!


2) I'm a bleeder!



:rofl: Man, I about fell out of my chair reading that one! I think, "Im a bleeder" is the one I will adopt!! :rofl:
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

when i fight, i know how deadly i can be. so i try the best not to inflict too much hard on someone. ive thought of strategies to take down an opponent fast without injuring him too much but i'd like to read some of your suggestions.

please post the fastest way youll take down the opponent

Depends ENTIRELY on the situation, the enviroment, and the positions of both people. A question as vague as that is pretty hard to answer, IMO. Maybe I'm unsure of exactly what you're going for.

What I can say though is that almost any takedown should work fine because speed does NOT equal force. You can move fast and take them down without smashing them to pieces. Part of it relies upon the throwee, as they need to know how to break a fall. If you have good control, you and be fast and careful.

By the way, cthulu, I'm sending you the monitor cleaning bill! I like #2, too. :D
when i fight, i know how deadly i can be. so i try the best not to inflict too much hard on someone. ive thought of strategies to take down an opponent fast without injuring him too much but i'd like to read some of your suggestions
Are you talking about in-ring opponents, or fighting out in the street?
In-ring: take them out as quikly as possible, you both know what you are getting into_Of course if your that "deadly" you are probably a Thai boxing world champion already.

Out in the real world: again, take them out as soon as possible.Any time a confrontation is prolonged, the more oppertunity there is for bad crap to happen to you.

hand2handCombat, you have posted more than a few times concerning real world fights you are involved in.Over the years I have observed that the more addvanced MA practitioners become, the less likely it is that they are involved in petty street fights.Are you young (teenager), have you been training for only a few years or do you just keep placing yourself in these situations?No offence intended, but the experienced MAists I have known over the years just don't find themselves beating the crap out of street punks every other day!
By the way, Does someone else post under your member account?Sometimes I see a post from hand2handCombat, that seems different in grammer, spelling,vocabulary,ect. - maybe it's just my imagination! :D
the neighborhood im in isnt too great. im not trying to be racist but my neighborhood is full of hispanics, im asian. they seem to want a peice of me.
the united states is full of hispanics, and many other cultures. if they wanted a piece of you, you would know it by now. i suggest that you make a few friends then youve got nothing to worry about:)
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

the neighborhood im in isnt too great. im not trying to be racist but my neighborhood is full of hispanics, im asian. they seem to want a peice of me.

Gee, I'm part Hispanic and Asian. Should I start desiring to kick my own a** now?

Of course, if you listen to AldonAsher and arnisandyz, they'd tell you I kick my own a** at least once a class.

If you carry yourself such that you think you have to prove something to them or protect yourself from them before they do anything, you'll probably come off as aggressive, thus making them want to fight because it'll seem like you're silent challenging them. The problem may not be them, just that you think that all the hispanics are going to attack you.