questions about TKD?


Senior Master
1.-Why TKD is such a sucessfull MA?
2.-Do you know TKD is practiced in 190 Countries? Why do you think is it?
3.-Why you get involved in TKD?
4.-Do you think TKD is the best martial art?
5.-Do you think TKD is a way of life?
6.-What would you change in TKD?
7.-What is or are your goals in TKD?

1.-Why TKD is such a sucessfull MA?

Easy martial art to get into as an 'external' system. Beginners can see their progress quite readily at the early stage. Flashy kicks are appealing to most people looking to start a MA and TKD has that in abundance.

2.-Do you know TKD is practiced in 190 Countries? Why do you think is it?

General Choi did a good job of moving instructors abroad to spread his message. To their credit, many of these early Korean instructors were good emissaries for the art. Olympic participation is also an obvious reason why some countries devote considerable resources towards fielding a competition team.

3.-Why you get involved in TKD?

It was the closest MA school to my house. I thought I was signing up for karate at first and had never heard to tae kwon do before but I was willing to give it a try.

4.-Do you think TKD is the best martial art?

This is such a subjective question based on the individual's needs and the ability of the instructor to match them. I will say that taekwondo is one of the best systems for teaching you how to kick, which may or may not be a concern.

5.-Do you think TKD is a way of life?

It can be. Again, up to the individual and whether you practice it as a 'Do' or merely a form of exercise/fighting system is entirely up to you.

6.-What would you change in TKD?

I teach TKD with certain ideas and techniques culled from shorin-ryu karate and judo/aikido/kobudo to make it a more complete and effective self-defense system that the TKD I learned personally.

7.-What is or are your goals in TKD?

To turn out quality martial artists who can use TKD as a form of self-defense as well as life long exercise.
1.-Why TKD is such a sucessfull MA?
Marketing. TKD enjoyed a level of support from the Korean govt that no other art has. No other art has actively exported masters to expend their student base.

2.-Do you know TKD is practiced in 190 Countries? Why do you think is it?

3.-Why you get involved in TKD?
As a kid I needed to develop self discipline (had a TERRIBLE temper). As an adult, I was drawn back because I deeply missed it.

4.-Do you think TKD is the best martial art?
What is best? You get out what you put in, and whatever gives you what you want is best.

5.-Do you think TKD is a way of life?
For me it is. Obviously not so for others. It's sort of like what's best. :)

6.-What would you change in TKD?
Personally, I'm more interested in the art than the sport, but I wouldn't change anything, in the sense of changing the curriculum. You can always find a dojang which shares your preference for a particular 'style' of TKD.

7.-What is or are your goals in TKD?
To learn as much as I can in the time I have. To pass on as much as I can to others. To be the best person that I can be.
1.-Why TKD is such a sucessfull MA?

IMO, because it is a no-frills kicking/punching art that found a real nice balance between having enough techniques for a variety of options while keeping the number down low enough that all those techniques can be practiced with enough frequency to make them viable.

And the kicks are super cool.

2.-Do you know TKD is practiced in 190 Countries? Why do you think is it?

Never thought about how many countries, so no, but I figured it is pretty much everywhere by now.

Why? See my answer to No. 1.

3.-Why you get involved in TKD?

So I could defend myself and keep in shape.

4.-Do you think TKD is the best martial art?

No such thing as "best martial art." It's a very good option.

For me, hapkido is the best martial art available.

5.-Do you think TKD is a way of life?

It can be. The more someone puts into it, the more they will get out of it.

6.-What would you change in TKD?

Sever the relationship with Olympic TKD, insist that sport comes up with its own name.

Include deeper, lower stances (for stability, power, aesthetics and training benefits) along with the higher stances (for mobility, speed).

7.-What is or are your goals in TKD?

Not applicable. I wish the art all the best.
Sever the relationship with Olympic TKD, insist that sport comes up with its own name.

Not applicable. I wish the art all the best.

Luv this one. Except for those who do it (And perhaps a few family members) few think the plusses outweigh the negatives.

Sure, they have their share of phenomonal athletes, but the hands down chest bumping Hogu wearing no hands to the head is unappealing to most any outsider you meet.
Luv this one. Except for those who do it (And perhaps a few family members) few think the plusses outweigh the negatives.

Sure, they have their share of phenomonal athletes, but the hands down chest bumping Hogu wearing no hands to the head is unappealing to most any outsider you meet.
I personally have nothing against sport tkd except for the fact that I believe it should not be called tkd. Im sure 'sport tkd' could have a name that better represents what it is. It has too many contradictions to real tkd, my instructor has always told me things like- always keep your guard up, keep your kicks low or to the mid section and punching is as important as kicking. Sport tkd contardicts these things in my opinion and shouldnt be called tkd as tkd = FIST foot way and yet sport tkd rarely scores punches.
Here you have my answers, some agree with yours in certain way.

1.-As you wrote I think TJD is so succesull because of the great effort the koreans did and do to spread it to the world, most of the koreans are very good for doing bussiness, simply the y put on thir minds to put TKD in the minds, hearts and souls of most of the people in this wolrd and they succeded in this.

2.-Answer two is conected to answer number one.

3.-When I was a teen I wanted to learn karate that was the generic name except judo for Martial Arts in my country, so a girlfriend of my high school knew this and took me to her dojang a Koran Karate dojang, the rest is hystory.

4.-Nop, TKD is not the best MA but..... wich one is the best?? all depends in many many things and this is subjetive, what I know it's TKD is an exelent MA that involving good cardio, developing of stamina, good in self defense, a nice sport, etc,etc.

5.-Yes TKD can be a style of life.

6.-What I change of TKD.... tought answer, but I think I would separate the sport side of the Martial Art Side, I would ad more self defense, and I would change the way we sparr I would sparr in some way like the ITF but ading some other resourses like take downs and pins, where only efective techs count, don't like a volley of meaningless kicks, only the good techs will score.

7.-My goals, be a sambonim and have my own dojang, and escalate in the dan ranking, get better inside the martial Art of TKD and my comunity.
