Questions about a trainer


Yellow Belt
So after a looooong time searching, I found a teacher in my area who claims to teach Muay Thai. This is my only concern : I spoke with him last night about taking classes with him and he said that he recommended rolling pin shin conditioning. Now, I know that is bs. It has been discussed on this board numerous times with the concensus being that it is irresponsible, dangerous and does not work. And they don't do it in thailand (which he said). So how do you think this effects the credibility of his teaching claims.

He currently teaches Kickboxing and Kenpo Karate and says he fights MT. He says he has been to Thailand before and fought. I have searched for him online and cannot find anything regarding his MT abilities.

Advice anyone?
So after a looooong time searching, I found a teacher in my area who claims to teach Muay Thai. This is my only concern : I spoke with him last night about taking classes with him and he said that he recommended rolling pin shin conditioning. Now, I know that is bs. It has been discussed on this board numerous times with the concensus being that it is irresponsible, dangerous and does not work. And they don't do it in thailand (which he said). So how do you think this effects the credibility of his teaching claims.

He currently teaches Kickboxing and Kenpo Karate and says he fights MT. He says he has been to Thailand before and fought. I have searched for him online and cannot find anything regarding his MT abilities.

Advice anyone?

take a couple of classes , if any of his other students are experienced in other MAs ask them what u have asked us (try not to sound offensive)

just my twe cents , someone else will probaby find a better answer.

if you have any other schools near i would check them out instead

good luck,

He is listed on the IKCA website as a 4th degree black belt. He is the ONLY guy in my area who teaches MT. I have scoured, believe me.
Going by what you have said, I would think that he is just a kickboxer and not a thai boxer. Go and watch a couple of classes and make your decision based on that or ask the other students their opinion. My money is on the fact he is not muay thai. Just because he went to thailand and fought doesn't mean he is muay thai, plenty of martial artist travel to test their art against muay thai. Ask him or a student to demonstrate their wai kru, if no one knows what that is or they say they don't do it, then you should have your answer. The Wai Kru is an important part of a true muay thai gym/school. As for the rolling pin, proper kicking on the thai bags and sparring gives plenty of conditioning. Rolling pins, bottle, sticks etc. just do damage and don't really help. That's just my take on it.
He is listed on the IKCA website as a 4th degree black belt. He is the ONLY guy in my area who teaches MT. I have scoured, believe me.

IKCA is a Kenpo Karate organization. They "teach" and award rank through the net.

You won't lose anything by going and watching him but...based on what you've written about him I've learned that

- He wants you to do a dangerous, and stupid, form of conditioning

- He does not seem to have any Muay Thai credentials at all

- He is from an unrelated martial arts organization with a click-here-to-download-your-belt business model.

Go in your eyes open, don't sign any contracts, and keep in mind that all you may be picking up is a bunch of bad habits and preventable injuries from a dude hoping to get rich from Muay Thai's popularity.

I wish you all the best. Keep posting and let us know how its going! :)
Ok, so I have been to 2 classes so far and I have to say I'm impressed. First class I was obviously skepticle but it was a great workout and seeing as how I've been studying Muay Thai Culture and Media for 2 years now looking for a trainer, everything he said and did was dead on. Second class nailed it, I walked in and there was an older Thai gentlemen in the corner showing my instructor techniques and holding the thai pads. It turns out he was a fighter in the 50's - 60's in Thailand (and tought at a small camp in Thailand before moving to ths united states). His insight was amazing and we spent a class learning about different aspects of Thai culture and Thai boxing.

My Instructor would be considered an "amateur" in Thai Boxing, the reitired Thai Fighter is his trainer and helps teach the class. I am very happy so far with the classes and have kind of brushed off the Kenpo deal (he has a few students in kenpo and they come in from another school once a week to train for competition), he is also ranked 6th in the world (?) in his weight class in professional kickboxing with the IKF.
Ok, so I have been to 2 classes so far and I have to say I'm impressed. First class I was obviously skepticle but it was a great workout and seeing as how I've been studying Muay Thai Culture and Media for 2 years now looking for a trainer, everything he said and did was dead on. Second class nailed it, I walked in and there was an older Thai gentlemen in the corner showing my instructor techniques and holding the thai pads. It turns out he was a fighter in the 50's - 60's in Thailand (and tought at a small camp in Thailand before moving to ths united states). His insight was amazing and we spent a class learning about different aspects of Thai culture and Thai boxing.

My Instructor would be considered an "amateur" in Thai Boxing, the reitired Thai Fighter is his trainer and helps teach the class. I am very happy so far with the classes and have kind of brushed off the Kenpo deal (he has a few students in kenpo and they come in from another school once a week to train for competition), he is also ranked 6th in the world (?) in his weight class in professional kickboxing with the IKF.

That is GREAT NEWS! That's a much different, and much better scenario than I was expecting based on what you posted.

Good luck to you Alex and I hope you keep posting about your training! :)

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