
hong kong fooey

Black Belt
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
West virginia
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference
hong kong fooey said:
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference

Hi Hong Kong Fooey,

You may want to contact Seig, one of the mods here. He has a Kenpo studio in Sheperdstown. He may also be the person teaching the class at the college.

Hello, Most kempo fighting is base on in close and inside fighting with mulitple strikes and striking. For us anyway. We do have takedowns and throws,chokes,grabs,punching, eye gouging,biting?, and so on.

It has all the ranges of fighing too!

In all most martials arts have the same general things and sometimes it is just names? If you go and see all the different arts, they look different? but when comes to real fighing...almost all fight the same way?

Just my thoughts on this...............Aloha
hong kong fooey said:
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference

you will enjoy kenpo. very reasonable approach to self-defense. you will (should) have no doubt about what you are doing to your opponent, and why you are doing it.

alot more focus on body mechanics vs. kicks and wasted movement. ;)

enjoy it. you'll never turn back.
hong kong fooey said:
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference

I've had the opportunity to visit the Shephardstown school and would highly recommend it.

The general difference you will find is a much higher emphasis on hand motions and generally a more practical approach to self defense, at least from what I have seen in TKD (I admit I'm biased).

A good person to ask would be MartialTalk member Chronoss, who is a brown under Mr. Siegal and I seem to recall that he holds a TKD black as well.

hong kong fooey said:
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference
Most Kenpo is supposed to be about self-defense. TKD is a partial art sport.
hong kong fooey said:
there is a KENPO class at Shepherd University in Sheperdstown WV. I was wanting to try it out and I wanted to know what the difference between Kempo and Tae kwon Do is. I have been praticing Tae Kwon doe for about 2 years now and just want to know the difference
Seig and Tess are GOOD people! Their instructor is knowledgeable and good natured. Their material (from what I understand) is diversified and judging from how they've talked about it and what one can glean from their photos.... their group is close knit. I think it'd be well worth your time to check them out.

I spent a good little while in TKD and now in Kenpo... so maybe I can offer some insight:
TKD tends to lean toward competition and technically speaking tends to emphasize kicking skills.
Kenpo tends to emphasize hand techniques, but still has a broad repetoire of kicking skills..... they just don't predominate like they do in TKD. Kenpo is a deeper study too! I trained in Tae Kwan Do Moo Duk Kwan for years, but I could teach you the system (Excluding Hyung/forms) from white to black in four days (your performance wouldn't be up to snuff... but you'd Know it)... that really could not be pulled off in Kenpo. Not even close.

There's a more to the difference between the two systems, that's a quick gloss over..... but you'll learn Far more by paying Seig and Tess a visit and seeing for yourself.

Your Brother