Question about Aikido's ranking system


Blue Belt
Oct 31, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Good day all. I have a question about Aikido's ranking system. Why is it that non-Japanese are not allowed to be promoted beyond sixth-degree black belt?

Originally posted by Zujitsuka
I have a question about Aikido's ranking system. Why is it that non-Japanese are not allowed to be promoted beyond sixth-degree black belt?

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Bear in mind that there are several aikido styles and organizations. Which one are you referring to?
There are non Japanese who are 7th dan!!


Originally posted by Zujitsuka

Good day all. I have a question about Aikido's ranking system. Why is it that non-Japanese are not allowed to be promoted beyond sixth-degree black belt?


In Australia, we are lucky to have a Sensei who is an eighth dan.. he has trained in Japan... and I have learnt a lot from him when I'm lucky enough to train at his dojo
That can´t be true.
There are various (do I dare to say "many"...) gaijin/foreign aikidokas who rank that high.
I bet Steven Seagal is the most well-known...
But maybe you are referring to some certain organization.
Originally posted by Nevlyn

In Australia, we are lucky to have a Sensei who is an eighth dan.. he has trained in Japan... and I have learnt a lot from him when I'm lucky enough to train at his dojo

Who might this be? I was under the impression Seagal was the highest ranked non japanese (or maybe western) at Seventh?

It isn't that they are not allowed but they have to work harder. Aikido is still one of those arts that you have to train in Japan to advance high. This is a deterent to most westerners.

Originally posted by Nevlyn

In Australia, we are lucky to have a Sensei who is an eighth dan.. he has trained in Japan... and I have learnt a lot from him when I'm lucky enough to train at his dojo

Who is this eight dan?
