Question about a Grand Master

t 2:18 its exaclty what i mean. if you tell me, with traditional knife defense training you could defend it, you're lying to yourself. and now "dislike" my comment, like many people do with unpleasent truth.
Do you know what a loaded question is?
sorry, i really have to say it is ridiculous how you all defend against the reality that traditional styles won't prepare of real knife attacks. if ever a style could do so. even with speed and grip strenght. sure one should first train it like that to get the basics of blocking and wrist locking. but anyway. find a suicidal aikido-guy who trains this all the time, dress him like an israeli and put him to the gaza strip. you'd see what happens.
at 2:18 its exaclty what i mean. if you tell me, with traditional knife defense training you could defend it, you're lying to yourself. and now "dislike" my comment, like many people do with unpleasent truth.

So if I understand you, if you cannot successfully defend against a sucker punch, your art is no good? What you describe is at 2:18 is essentially that. But do you think if one trains oneself to always be alert to their surroundings they might have a better chance to defend? And do you consider that a person might train themselves to be better at knife attack than an untrained person who isn't paying attention to their surroundings being able to defend? If you watch the video, I submit there was time to react if the victim was trained to do so.

BTW, just so I can better evaluate your point of view, what is your art and what is your rank in it? You may have mentioned it before and I missed it, but please tell me.