Punches in Tae kwon Do


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I was wondering what punches everybody school learns and at what level.
Beginners learn Lead hand reverse punch and lead hand overhand.
mid will learn lead hand ridge hand and also backfist, uppercut, palm strike
advance we teach all the and spinning punches knife hand spear hand ext.
what is your school like.
We learn all the punches from the poomsaes. And only bit before we learn the poomsae. We firsl learn the tecnics and then the poomsae.

In competition we mainly use front or back hand straight punch. (very good for stopping the opponents atack) Maby now when the new rules can give points from hooks too I might think of adding some clean hooks to kyorugi too...
So far I've learned reverse punch, jab, palm-heel strike, backhand strike, knife-hand, ridge-hand, and elbow (open and closed hand), and spear-hand
All our hand techniques are introduced with the patterns. The exception being reverse knifehand which just sneaks in as a breaking option around green belt IIRC. Don't get an actual offensive reverse knifehand in a pattern til high red belt.
We learn the standard punches like, reverse punch, backfist, etc plus the use of the open handed techniques, spear hand, knife hand, etc. all at the beginning stages of our training. As we advance we start using the more boxing style punches and guarding position.
Searchere, I'm just curious.
Do you study Taekwondo also?
Only asking because you list only japanese arts as your arts...
From white belt on, all punches are taught. The punch we do for sparring, hitting the bag, or breaking boards is not the same as the one in forms. Its more of a straight on, aligned vertical fist punch instead of the horizontal fist punch from form. It doesn't have a tendency like the horizontal to fold down and hurt the wrist and is a stronger punch.

We learn jab, reverse punch, hook, uppercut, backfist, palm, hammerfist, later around green on, knife, ridge, spear. TW
JanneM said:
Searchere, I'm just curious.
Do you study Taekwondo also?
Only asking because you list only japanese arts as your arts...
Yes, I took it up just over one year ago. I only listed my primary arts. I don't have my BB in TKD, yet.
searcher said:
Yes, I took it up just over one year ago. I only listed my primary arts. I don't have my BB in TKD, yet.
Ok. Just wondering.
Welcome to the art.
TigerWoman said:
From white belt on, all punches are taught. The punch we do for sparring, hitting the bag, or breaking boards is not the same as the one in forms. Its more of a straight on, aligned vertical fist punch instead of the horizontal fist punch from form. It doesn't have a tendency like the horizontal to fold down and hurt the wrist and is a stronger punch.
I have to disagree that it is a stronger punch, but it is quicker and better for the wrist, the traditional punch allows more strength and body weight behind it. Both are good weapons though.

White belts in our school learn straight punch, backfist, ridgehand, knifhands, and hammer fist. Yellow belts learn tiger strike, palm strike, elbows, fork strike(eye gouge), and start on the spear hand, that takes a long time practicing to be able to use though. Most varitaions of strikes are learned by blue belt.

I am surprised at how long it takes to learn all of the strikes through TKD with other schools. Why do you wait so long?
at the schools i've attended, all punches were learned before blue belt

mid section, high punch, low punch, riposte punch, hook, cross, jab, uppercut, backfist, hammer, etc

this doesnt include other hand techniques

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