Since my views are 100%/100% (that is you should be able to use only hands or feet or both to defend your self you will see lots of training methods for both with me and when I teach the class (which is quite often now.)
Now I'm real orientated on self defense. So my training mirrors that. BUT, we do use high kicks but it's not an end in itself.
Now for training...
Reguardless if it's hands or feet we spend time on doing the basics right, then speeding them up, then slowing back down (to check correct technique.) Slow, fast, slow, fast, slow... and then we add compelxity. From single puches to single blocks to combinations of punch/block, to blocks and multi-punchs. Not only using the slow/fast/slow technique to teach it but adding different angles and heights. Yes low, medium, high and angles (like doing backfist or tiger paws, or bolos, or bear paws, or... plain strait puches and reverses.) Add blocks. Add one timing. Add side steps, add slides and shuffles, add... well you can see it can get real complex with just hand methods.
And then the feet. Same ideas as for teaching. Slow/fast/slow. Combinations, angles, footwork.
Alot of the footwork is the same for hands and feet, so one one starts figuring it out for one, it helps the other.
Slow to fast, near to far, large target to small, still to moving. And all take time and lots of sweat! None of it is easy, none of it is quick to learn, but then Musashi said nothing is easy at first!