Pukulan Pencak Silat Bukti Negara

It's impressive that this man in his 80's is still showing the applications and taking the time to explain to everyone, even after more than 70 years of practicing the art. It's somewhat strange that his following in the USA is not that big, but i guess a lot of politics was involved in the past. Still the skill speaks for itself.

Seeing old people move with pencak silat in their 70's is not unique, but what you see is mainly the forms. Still doing the applications on everyone is rather special in my opinion.
It is amazing to see the older martial artists, it seems to come so naturally for them.

I consider myself VERY lucky to see something like this first hand, my Taiji shifu is in his 70s and move smoothly and is very relaxed and when he is serious I am on the ground before I knew what happened

Thanks for posting that