Promoting without testing


Blue Belt
My schedule is crazy. I work out of the country for months at a time...I think that's a factor in what happened. I've been trying to test now for a while and made arrangements for my son and I to test last night after class. It was kind of a "make up test" kind of thing. Master Lee tested my son (and passed him) but told me I had already been tested during class and was promoted.

Has anybody else been promoted (or if you're an instructor have you promoted) in this manner?

Actually at the mid to lower belt level I have no problem with this. I understand testing has value, but I don't see any reason an instructor would not be able to assess his/her students at any time and determine if they were ready for the next belt.
Testing - and for that matter, belt ranks - is a relatively recent phenomenon in the martial arts, an outgrowth of larger classes and the need for the instructor of a larger class to know, at a glance, who knows approximately what. Students who have demonstrated the appropriate skills repeatedly in class may not need to be formally tested, and I've seen a few cases in which such testing hasn't happened. It's not common, but it is a significant indication of your instructor's opinion of you, your skills, your understanding, and your dedication. Congratulations!
Sure, I got my yondan by email when my instructor casually wrote me that he had promoted me. Later after I saw him in person, I got a nice certificate. I have been his students for years and years though.

I've promoted color belts before by just handing them a belt. It's a practice I make more commonly in small classes when I know the students and their skill level very well. In larger settings, it probably makes more sense to hold a formal test to give the occasion some gravitas.
Has anybody else been promoted (or if you're an instructor have you promoted) in this manner?

The higher you go, the more common it gets. The exception is Kukkiwon 8th and 9th Dan, where there is a requirement for a physical test. But even that I believe has exceptions. There are always exceptions, for exceptional practitioners.
The higher you go, the more common it gets. The exception is Kukkiwon 8th and 9th Dan, where there is a requirement for a physical test. But even that I believe has exceptions. There are always exceptions, for exceptional practitioners.

In my discipline, I believe it is not uncommon in the kyu ranks; but not that common either. In the dan ranks, I suspect it would be relatively unusual. Especially at the advanced dan ranks, the testing in Isshin-Ryu is generally a very involved affair from what I have been told.
My schedule is crazy. I work out of the country for months at a time...I think that's a factor in what happened. I've been trying to test now for a while and made arrangements for my son and I to test last night after class. It was kind of a "make up test" kind of thing. Master Lee tested my son (and passed him) but told me I had already been tested during class and was promoted.

Has anybody else been promoted (or if you're an instructor have you promoted) in this manner?

Not this, but something similar. Twice that I know of people were called out to demonstrate during black belt tests and after they were finished the Master running the testing board informed the people watchng the test that the person doing the demonstrating had actually been testing for their next rank, and passed. This was also when the person doing the demonstrating was informed of their new promotion (and that they had actually been testing in the first place).

Actually at the mid to lower belt level I have no problem with this. I understand testing has value, but I don't see any reason an instructor would not be able to assess his/her students at any time and determine if they were ready for the next belt.

Personally, I think the testing experience is more important for lower ranks to go through. It can help one deal with stress, learn to perform in front of others, etc. These are things more senior practitioners should have already developed. It's part of why the ITF doesn't have a physical test for people going for ranks above VII dan. That and you finish learning the syllabus at VI dan so, technically, there's no more new material on which one can be tested.


Our classes are small enough so that Sabumnim can keep track of everyones skill level easily. We usually know a few weeks in advance when we are going to test. There are exceptions though. Last December I was told 20 minutes ahead of time for one of my belt tests. After that initial "OMG really?" moment passed I said "Ok lets do this!" :)
We do have a couple "big tests" a year. Mainly for the little guys and to bring all the schools together for a big workout. Our "regular" tests are usually short and sweet mainly for formalities. When we get our new belts and certificates its usually just casually handing it off to you. The young ones/and "new to martial arts" students get a more "formal" standing in our formation kind of thing.
I know with my instructor he has pretty much decided who will pass and fail before the formal grading with his coloured belts. He watches us like a hawk throughout the term and the actual grading night is really just a formality where parents/husbands/wives etc can come along and take photos, videos etc and it gives a more formal feel to the whole grading process. He believes that being ready for the next level comes down to months of hard work and not just how a student performs during the actual test. In saying that, a student could change his mind with an exceptionally good or bad performance on the actual night but generally they have either shown him enough in the months leading up to grading or they havent. Black belts are different, they are graded by the GM at a separate grading hall and it all comes down to performance on the day.
My gms always gave out yellow belts after class. For green, bue and red belt we had tests 2x per year but could only test once per year. Ocasionally a color belt would be awarded (tourney win).Poom/dan were a different matter. Testing was mandatory and was held once a year.
In bjj belts are given at the end of class for recognition of time @ the school and skill.

Belts are reay just a visual reminder of our progress in martial arts. It should not matter how it is presented, but how it is EARNED.
My former sambunim promoted one of his students to 4th Dan these way, my friend told me he asked why this without a test and sambonim told him it was the right time to do this and he already knows his performance,loyalty and attitud so a physical-knowledge was not necesary.

My schedule is crazy. I work out of the country for months at a time...I think that's a factor in what happened. I've been trying to test now for a while and made arrangements for my son and I to test last night after class. It was kind of a "make up test" kind of thing. Master Lee tested my son (and passed him) but told me I had already been tested during class and was promoted.

Has anybody else been promoted (or if you're an instructor have you promoted) in this manner?

Actually at the mid to lower belt level I have no problem with this. I understand testing has value, but I don't see any reason an instructor would not be able to assess his/her students at any time and determine if they were ready for the next belt.

If an instructor that is familar with your training wishes to promote you without a test, it may very well mean that he has 'tested' you during training. This is entirely fine.

The problem comes about whe people accept promotion from outside sources that have not either;

  1. Been their personal instructor.
  2. Administered a test to judge skill level.
My son's instructor will always try to promote boys/grils on the grading test day in order to give them a bit of pressure/push so they could practice/remember all the skills. However, this mostly for the color belts and I always remind my son their performance during normal class training could be assessed as well. Just to make sure they give their best shot all the times.

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