Promoted to Gokyu tonight!


Master Black Belt
Hi all.

Tonight, in a seminar-style class, I was promoted to yellow belt. I'm around six months in to Judo alongside TKD and I love it, it's like a different world and it's a lot of fun.

I honestly thought I didn't care about belts anymore after years in TKD, but I'm so proud of myself it's crazy. :D

I'm also proud of the way I performed. I mean I don't think I was awesome or anything, but I knew my stuff, I did everything well, and my Sensei was happy with it. It's a really good feeling and it's reminded me of why I love martial arts. :)
You have every right to be proud of yourself!

edit: Fir the record, i thought the thread title said you were promoted to Goku which just shows you how much of a dork i am.

TKD and Judo can be a pretty nice mix and if anything doing both is GREAT for your health.

I have not done TKD since I was a teen but it laid a basic foundation that has helped me with every art I have studied.

I recently started doing strikes and kicks from Horse, Back and Front Stance for the physical training aspect alone.

Keep it up and keep enjoying your time on the mats.


TKD and Judo can be a pretty nice mix and if anything doing both is GREAT for your health.

I have not done TKD since I was a teen but it laid a basic foundation that has helped me with every art I have studied.

I recently started doing strikes and kicks from Horse, Back and Front Stance for the physical training aspect alone.

Keep it up and keep enjoying your time on the mats.


Thanks a lot all, very much appreciated. :)

I like the grappling aspect it's added, but more than anything I like being a student again. I also personally think it's an important perspective to keep as a TKD teacher.
Congratulations! :D
I don't intend to offend, but please pay attention to the dates of the posts. Both of the "congratulations" posts you've made to promotion announcements are for initial announcements made more than a year ago. You may not be intentionally thread-necro-ing, but the congrats are pretty belated if you know what I mean. :)

Peace favor your sword,