Professor Gary Dill’s (The JKD Renegade) podcast show and Youtube Video

I just watched the video. My opinion is that this really underscores the often dramatic differences in training methods used by JKD practitioners.

However it's also unfair to critique someone based on a few seconds of a video clip (as Dill really only appears very briefly in a few spots).

That said, if the majority of my training time was spent doing drills performed in the manner of what I observed, I'd be looking elsewhere for training.

Again, I can't really comment on the men involved based on video other than to say, I did not like the content in the video.
I trained personally with Prof. Dill quite a few years ago. He came to my home and over a two day period he taught me what he know's as "Original JKD", and also gave a trapping seminar to my crew. Prof. Dill teaches what was taught to him by James Lee, which was the Oakland JKD days curriculum. I thought he was a knowledgable, courteous & respectful individual.

Masterfinger - Awesome that you had a good experience! That is what it's all about!
