Think about it: A classmate receives private lessons or instruction from the Head Instructor that you don't get. Wouldn't you feel a little jealous toward him at the thought of what he must be learning that you aren't?
No, I wouldn't. Some people need extra help, either because they are ready for more in-depth knowledge than the general class, and some because they aren't getting something. Some people are willing and able to pay more for extra help, whether they truly need it or not. Individualization is the key to quality instruction - this just provides for more individualization. Why would I be jealous or resentful of that? For that matter, why should the black belts teach for free? Certainly, all of my students are expected to help their juniors, as explaining something to someone else is a great way to understand it better yourself, but it is a once-in-a-while thing, as the seniors pay for instruction too.
Having said that, my instructor never gave formal private lessons, except to those who were senior enough that the general class didn't always meet their needs - for example, I'm the only IV Dan in the class, and he's not always able to get to all of my requirements without some extra time outside of class, which is compounded by the fact that I am also an instructor at a separate facility, and his class is Mon/Wed, and mine is Mon/Thurs, so I can only get to his class once a week. On the other hand, anyone who wants extra help - whether because they're confused or would like more in-depth knowledge of something - is welcome to arrange with him to come early, stay late, or meet at another time. Why would I resent someone who has the drive to get extra help, whatever the reason? I might be jealous that that person has the time I don't have - but that's as far as it goes.