This article was in the paper this past weekend. Its a long one, but IMO, it talks about a serious problem.
Ricky Haggood firebombed Richard and Deborah Dozier's house on Carmel Street in New Haven in 1990, while the couple was upstairs in their bedroom, sleeping. They managed to race out the back.
Haggood thought the Doziers, who were active in the local block watch, had tipped police off to drug dealing on the street. Haggood received a 20-year sentence in 1991 for arson.
But by 2003, several years short of his maximum release date, Haggood was on the lam. He didn't go over the wall — they almost never do.
He was released, by the state parole board, to parole authorities in New York in April 2002. Soon, he stopped reporting to his case officer, though, and went underground. In October 2003, while still the responsibility of Connecticut prison officials, committed a gang-related murder. He would not be recaptured until the late summer of 2004.
This article was in the paper this past weekend. Its a long one, but IMO, it talks about a serious problem.