Prides Yellow Card Rule

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
The Arona vs Silva fight seems to have attracted some attention...

The yellow card has no impact on the judges’ scoring; it is merely a warning, yet it could have influenced this fight. Because Silva was allowed to get up off his back, the momentum that Arona had achieved was halted, and the work he was doing ended. Arona was working; he was pressing the action and scoring damage on Silva, yet was removed because of Silva’s inactivity.
Have to admit, the article has a point. If the bottom guy is stalling it doesn't seem right that he gets a warning but also gets out of a bad place in the process.
IMO, as long as someone is keeping the action moving, nobody should get a yellow card. Now I can see it if both fighters are stalling, then yes, give the yellow to both and stand both up. Unless I'm mistaken, but the UFC only restarts if both fighters are stalling.
I have to agree. It seems like a get out of jail free card that the refs can hand out when the favorite is loosing. I'd take a guess that is Sakuraba was on top, beating on someone that was stalling, there'd be no yellow card, no stand up, he'd get to keep beating ;)
Andrew Green said:
I have to agree. It seems like a get out of jail free card that the refs can hand out when the favorite is loosing. I'd take a guess that is Sakuraba was on top, beating on someone that was stalling, there'd be no yellow card, no stand up, he'd get to keep beating ;)

You're correct on that. I remember a UFC event, I believe it was Ultimate Japan. Sak and I think Marcus 'Conan" Silviera were fighting. Marcus hit Sak, Sak went down, but appeared to be trying a takedown, but the fight was stopped, due to TKO. They ended up having them fight again, and Sak caught him in an armbar. That IMO was BS!! The only reason that was allowed to happen was because that was the first time the UFC was in Japan, and one of their guys was fighting, and everyone had to make it look good.
MJS said:
IMO, as long as someone is keeping the action moving, nobody should get a yellow card. Now I can see it if both fighters are stalling, then yes, give the yellow to both and stand both up. Unless I'm mistaken, but the UFC only restarts if both fighters are stalling.

Agreed. The UFC is hardly infallible but usually the fighters will get a few warnings, i.e. 'Come on guys! Keep working', before they pull the plug and put them back on their feet.
It's not only the differant organizations (Pride-UFC) but there are some refs who will just stand fighters up really fast. I think Herb Dean is quick to pull the trigger. I remember watching one night & he was practically standing the guys back up as soon as they hit the ground, I couldn't believe it. I remember the commentator saying somthing like Herb won't put up with any stalling but, it looked to me like he just didn't like ground fighting , he wasn't even giving the fighters time for anything to develope.
I'm not possitive but I think the ref was Herb Dean, I may be wrong?

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