Pride in Humanity


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
CNN live interview with Martin Savidge on Sunday, 30 March 2003:

Martin Savidge of CNN, embedded with the 1st Marine battalion, 1st Marine Division, was talking with 4 young Marines near his foxhole this morning live on CNN.

He had been telling the story of how well the Marines had been looking out for and taking care of him since the war started. He went on to tell about the many hardships the Marines had endured since the war began and how they all look after one another. He turned to the four and said he had cleared it with their commanders and they could use his video phone to call home.

None of these Marines had been able to talk with their families for many weeks. The 19 year old Marine next to him asked Martin if he would allow his platoon sergeant to use his call to call his pregnant wife back home whom he had not been able to talk to in over a month.

A stunned Savidge, who was visibly moved by the request, nodded his head - yes. The young Marine ran off to get the sergeant.

Savidge recovered after a few seconds and turned back to the three young Marines still sitting with him. He asked which one of them would like tocall home first?

The Marine closest to him responded with out a moments hesitation, "Sir, if is all the same to you we would like to call the parents of a buddy of ours. Lance Cpl Brian Buesing of Cedar Key, Florida, who was killed on the 23rd of March near Nasiriya. We would like to see how his folks are doing and let them know their son died bravely."

At that Martin Savidge totally broke down and was unable to speak. All he could get out before signing off was, "Where do they get young men like this?"
Where do they get young men like that? From every town and city in this great nation of ours. From recruiting offices all over the place where young men and women make a personal decision to serve this nation and the people that live here knowing full well that there are many who would just as soon spit on them as look at them. Personal bias makes me want to say"yep, that's a Marine, for ya." but I know that something like this is just as likely to take place in any branch of our armed forces. To the troops fighting the good fight I say "Ooh-Rah!"


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue."
Even those who DO know Jack s#$% and his brothers dumb and stupid can easily underestimate the honor and dignity our combat Marines.:asian:
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Obviously Martin Savidge did not know jack s@#$ about our troops at all.

You know, every once in a while a small amount of the refuse spilling out of you makes me stop and think...

This time, what I stopped to think about was how good your ability to be an a$$ in public without fear of beatings at the hands of government lackeys makes me feel. It is nice to see that the freedoms guaranteed by the sacrifices of the few are not totally wasted on those who so greedily and thanklessly make use of them.

All you managed to do with that comment was show me that the system works. :)

Thanks! Continue to enjoy your freedoms at the expense of others' lives. Perhaps one day you will do something that will make up for your having never done anything to earn such freedoms, rather than continue to draw from the teat of the brave like a gluttonous pig...

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
You know, every once in a while a small amount of the refuse spilling out of you makes me stop and think...

This time, what I stopped to think about was how good your ability to be an a$$ in public without fear of beatings at the hands of government lackeys makes me feel. It is nice to see that the freedoms guaranteed by the sacrifices of the few are not totally wasted on those who so greedily and thanklessly make use of them.

All you managed to do with that comment was show me that the system works. :)

Thanks! Continue to enjoy your freedoms at the expense of others' lives. Perhaps one day you will do something that will make up for your having never done anything to earn such freedoms, rather than continue to draw from the teat of the brave like a gluttonous pig...

:asian: :tank: :asian:

Woah.....Hasnt been your week so far has it JN :rofl:

Back on topic its nice to see some compassion among all the violence....Makes me feel good inside :asian:
Young (and old) men like that are what's made America what it is. They make us proud. They give their lives so the rest of us won't have to. We sleep well at night because of youngsters like those.

On the news I heard about a soldier who had phoned his mother and she told him that she felt so helpless; she couldn't be there to protect him. He told her, "Mom, now it's my turn to protect you." I choked up.

God bless every one of them.
Originally posted by yilisifu
Young (and old) men like that are what's made America what it is.

Not to pick on Americans, but men with this mentality are part of other forces too. Danes are in the war too, and they represent Denmark very good.

America isn't unique, there are other democrecies (sp?) in the world working for at better world(either in the war or not). Dont forget them while you praise your own. They are putting their life on the lines for americans too.

Originally posted by Yari
Not to pick on Americans, but men with this mentality are part of other forces too. Danes are in the war too, and they represent Denmark very good.

America isn't unique, there are other democrecies (sp?) in the world working for at better world(either in the war or not). Dont forget them while you praise your own. They are putting their life on the lines for americans too.


You're so very right. Speaking only for myself, I forget sometimes
how awesome the internet is, and the fact that this board is open
for members all over the world. Kudos to the Danes! (never knew
ppl from Denmark were called that), and thanks to them for
joining us in fighting this tyrrant!
makes me feel proud to be American.....oh Canadian!!!:roflmao: :drink2tha: :D

yari has a point, its not an "american" quality they are showing, its a "human" quality.

not that it matters, those soldiers are doing a very good job over there in my opinion. I dont think that by acknowledging the great qualities in one army in anyway implies that other armed forces are not as valorous.

their just lucky Canada's not in the war. Everyone knows there aint a braver soldier in ALL of history then a Canadian Soldier!! They'ed get all the glory im tellin ya! they would suck it up with a straw, leavin just a drop for you americans and nothing for anyone else, thats right england, not even you!!

you think im joking? oh no no. all you have to do is look at our record. We have never lost a war!! (in recent history) and we saved america's behind in the korean war!! Thats right, i went there. Didn't want to but you made me.

......ok i apologise for that last one, i know.....its a cheap shot.

stupid samalia.......WE HAD A GOOD ARMY I SWEAR.....stupid airborn going an ruining everything....... *crying* stupid everything, PUNISH THE SOLDIER NOT THE WHOLE AIRBORN! *crying* stupid defence minister in the early 90's......

....they where the best in the the top of their game....WHY!!!!!!!:soapbox: :sadsong::( :wah:
stupid samalia.......WE HAD A GOOD ARMY I SWEAR.....stupid airborn going an ruining everything....... *crying* stupid everything, PUNISH THE SOLDIER NOT THE WHOLE AIRBORN! *crying* stupid defence minister in the early 90's......

I read this last part and for some reason Homer Simpsons voice was reading it in my head:lol:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
You know, every once in a while a small amount of the refuse spilling out of you makes me stop and think...

This time, what I stopped to think about was how good your ability to be an a$$ in public without fear of beatings at the hands of government lackeys makes me feel. It is nice to see that the freedoms guaranteed by the sacrifices of the few are not totally wasted on those who so greedily and thanklessly make use of them.

All you managed to do with that comment was show me that the system works. :)

Thanks! Continue to enjoy your freedoms at the expense of others' lives. Perhaps one day you will do something that will make up for your having never done anything to earn such freedoms, rather than continue to draw from the teat of the brave like a gluttonous pig...

:asian: :tank: :asian:

You are such a genius! :rolleyes: Gosh! Next time you open your mouth to criticise me again, I suggest you get the fact STRAIGHT!! You went on and on, spilling a truck load of nothing but pure trash that has nothing to do with the reality. Take a look at the posts (related to the US and the military) I post at varioius threads in the Locker Room section, before you wash that foot of yours down your mouth.

I used to think highly of you...... I begin to doubt my opinion of you.

Back to the thread:

I got disgusted at the ill-informed JOURNALIST making such a big deal over a small gesture of humanity. The MARINES and the rest of the service men and women, have a long list of courageous and safeless acts that are TOO FREAKING LONG to list!! Yet, this journalist crown has to cry "where did we find such men?" LMAO! HELLO?? GENIUS! AMERICA has DIVISIONS upon DIVISONS of men and women like that. The military has always managed to find brave men and women who are willing to put themselves in harm's way.

It is laughable that some people can make such a big deal out of a relatively small gestures (comparing to all the other selfless and courageos acts of the troops since the founding of their units). It is nothing but a reflection of the decadency in their own lives as well as their ignorance of the galantry and chivalry of our troops.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Woah.....Hasnt been your week so far has it JN :rofl:

Back on topic its nice to see some compassion among all the violence....Makes me feel good inside :asian:

Hmmm. well... Kind of annoying that when you tell people that 1+1= 2, then some mule comes around and says" JN, how could you say 1+1=A, you #$$%%!" :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kingston
their just lucky Canada's not in the war. Everyone knows there aint a braver soldier in ALL of history then a Canadian Soldier!! They'ed get all the glory im tellin ya! they would suck it up with a straw, leavin just a drop for you americans and nothing for anyone else, thats right england, not even you!!

Didn't those Kids from South Park Kick Canada's Floppy Heads???

Yeah. I think so.

Just Kiddin. I love my Northern brothers, and all their Took Wearin' back bacon eatin women too! I'm just a hoser, eh.

Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Hmmm. well... Kind of annoying that when you tell people that 1+1= 2, then some mule comes around and says" JN, how could you say 1+1=A, you #$$%%!" :rolleyes:

I dunno......I'm confuddled when its comes to you :p
When anyone on this forum puts themsleves in a discussion and starts bad mothing anyone or any group, flags are raised in the moderators and administrators minds. If the discussion gets heated but stays away from name calling thats another thing all togeather.
If anyone wants to make a point it is better made with kinder words not insults.
Lets everyone play nice. and get on with the topic at hand
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Obviously Martin Savidge did not know jack s@#$ about our troops at all.

After your more explanatory response, I can see where your comment above could be interpreted in support of American troops...

But, when the bulk of your posts are abstract and inflammatory, I think my reaction that your comment was leaning more toward the negative than the positive (especially after your comments regarding American troops overseas in other posts).

I'm not about to apologize for what I said. What I said stands in response to my interpretation of your comments. If you want to allow your clarification stand, fine. If your opinion of me is in question, fine as well. I won't be losing any sleep over whether your think highly or not of me...

Perhaps you should have qualified your statement more fully with that second post of yours rather than leave room for misinterpretation...

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
After your more explanatory response, I can see where your comment above could be interpreted in support of American troops...

But, when the bulk of your posts are abstract and inflammatory, I think my reaction that your comment was leaning more toward the negative than the positive (especially after your comments regarding American troops overseas in other posts).

I'm not about to apologize for what I said. What I said stands in response to my interpretation of your comments. If you want to allow your clarification stand, fine. If your opinion of me is in question, fine as well. I won't be losing any sleep over whether your think highly or not of me...

Perhaps you should have qualified your statement more fully with that second post of yours rather than leave room for misinterpretation...

:asian: :tank: :asian:

That was the second time you made the same mistake. I would underwrite ONE mistake for anyone. After that, you have to pay in full. (Since you are a military man, I am sure you have heard this one before.)

After I have already TOLD you specifically where I stand when it comes to the servicemen and women, and yet......
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
That was the second time you made the same mistake. I would underwrite ONE mistake for anyone. After that, you have to pay in full. (Since you are a military man, I am sure you have heard this one before.)

As usual, you assume too much.

After I have already TOLD you specifically where I stand when it comes to the servicemen and women, and yet......

What I remember from that particular exchange was that you are a typical civilian with no real first hand knowledge of what military life and military people are like. All you succeeded in doing with our previous conversation was retracting your insults about servicemembers overseas and allowing yourself a fresh slate on which to hang yourself.

Your comment was pointedly abstract. A deliberate tactic of yours, it seems, the better to instigate heated discussion. The more I read your posts the more I am convinced you are a troll at heart. Welcome to my ignore list...

:asian: :tank: :asian:

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