I've got a big competion in Sept and I'm trying to get a lot better before then, I'll be going up against people from all around the country. Its called Uni Games and every uni in Australia has reps that go and this is my first tournament.
For a first tournament that sounds like it's going to be a big one! Most important thing to do when going to any competition is to focus on having an enjoyable time and makming it a learning experience.
I want to be able to go through the rounds without getting exhausted and slowing down, and I need to improve me speed in general. Tips and tricks would be helpful for conditioning and agility.
Building endurance can be tedious, at best. Best way to do it, imo, is running. Get a good pair of shoes and alternate between distance running and sprints. If you concentrate too much on just distance you run the risk of developing a plodding pace instead of developing speed. Sprints help to develop your reaction time.
Running can be high impact, however, so if you have troubles with shin splints or your feet you might want to consider cycling or swimming if you have access to a pool. Both are much lower impact than running and swimming can really provide an all over work out.
Lastly, you might want to take up skipping rope. Low investment and excellent for building endurance, I have found. Do rounds of skipping equivalent to the amount of time a round in the ring is for your tournament. Go non-stop for that amount of time then take a break for 60 second. Make sure you go at a good rate. You want to use this to develop the ability to basically alternate between sprint and brief periods of rest for a somewhat extended period.
Remember to keep hydrated!
I'm currently training thrice weekly with only one class a week focused on sparring and I'm considering taking a private sparring class once a week for $140 a month. Do you think this is a good deal?
I don't know the $AUS to $US conversion off hand by my instructor, who is a 7th dan charges $30US for a one hour private lesson. Economics aside, if you're worried about sparring you might want to get one of two private lessons before the event. It is your first and you have plenty of time to compete if that's what interests you.
Hope you find some of this helpful.