praying mantis practitioner

chen yaolong

Yellow Belt
Hi guys

I am new to this forum and thought I could introduce myself and what I do here. My name is Will and I practice Taiji Praying Mantis, which I have learnt while living in China the past seven years.

I have also been working on a website which introduces the style, as well as interviews with prominent masters, a well as some info on other styles, travel blog etc etc.

I'm glad to meet you all on this forum and hope to make some new friends and learn more through discussion. Likewise, if anybody has any questions about Praying Mantis, or about training Kung Fu in China, please feel free to ask.
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I don't know much about the art, but does "Taiji Praying Mantis" mean it's some merger of Tai Chi and Preying mantis?
welcome to the forum.
you have a nice looking web site. I'll explore the information on it more later today. What a saw was interesting .

No Taiji Mantis isnt a merger of Taiji and Mantis. It is named Taiji as a nod to the theory of Yin and Yang in how it alternates hard and soft, high and low, feints and real hits, long and short etc.....
It is a sub branch of Meihua Mantis, which is the oldest style of Mantis.
How effective is it in a real life self defence situation? How does it compare to seven star mantis and tai chi?
Welcome along Will. Wow, sounds like a boys own adventure you are having. I imagined as a Kung Fu version of Bear Grylls. Nice vid. Is segment around 2:12 a close quarters fighting drill? Reminds of some of the Wing Chun stuff seen on Youtube. Keep it coming :)
I take Taiji Praying Mantis of the Chui Chuk Kai lineage out of Hong Kong. His disciple, Tony Chuy incorporated the weapons forms from that style into the 7 Star Mantis system that I practice. It brings our forms total to over 100 which is somewhat cumbersome to learn. Tony Chuy's elder brother, Alexander Tse has a youtube channel here where he posts many Taiji Praying Mantis videos. Here is a video of us performing a demonstration of Taiji Mantis partner weapons forms after two students perform the Plum Blossom Fist basic partner form.

I was very interested in your Fan Che/ Windmill applications video. Do you have a Fan Che form in your lineage? We are trying to develop a Ling/Partner version of our Large Windmill form.
Sorry the late reply to everybody, I havent checked the forum for a while!

Qwerty, I answered you question in another thread... basically comes down to not the style but the practitioner :-)

Transk53, do you mean the 7 minute intro clip to my youtube? If so the bit at 2.12 is a drill called Wo Li Pao. In the list of 18 styles which Wang Lang learnt when he created Mantis, you will see "Cui Lian's Wo Li Pao". That techniques translates as "hitting cavities like a cannon", it means to use a straight punch with fist held vertically to strike soft areas, such as the floating rib. The drill at 2.12 shows one particular entry for this strike, which is to lift the opponents arm up and then strike into the opening. If you search my Youtube there is a clip where you can see some variations of the drill.
B Trent: In our lineage we have a form called Zhong Lu Fan Che, which means Fan Che through the Middle Road. It is very different to Xiao or Da Fan Che which you normally see. In Zhong Lu Fan Che, there are only 6 techniques, which include the above mentioned Wo Li Pao. The techniques are repeated over and over, so it has the appearance of practicing basics, rather than really doing a form.

My kung fu brother Kevin Brazier explains it much better than me:

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