Post Workout Drink.

Mar 12, 2009
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Queensland. Australia.
Post Workout it's advisable to take a supplement with between 75% protein / 20% carbs to 65% protein / 30% carbs. Currently though my supplement is 85% protein / 10% carbs. So I need to boost the carbs in the supplement. I'm actually thinking of putting in chocolate milk powder (as advised in a Men's Health Magazine) but that seems strange to me. Any advise / comments would be welcome.
My first choice tonight was a cookies n' cream milkshake, but I was broke. So it's peppermint tea at home. Very satisfying.
Water immediately after the workout, then later a nice craft beer.
I have a nice little smoothie. Roughly 25g of protein and 250 calories, I try to keep the fat a minimum for my post-workout.
Stella Artois is nice after a workout, nice Belgium beer!

On a more serious note, generally I would drink some type of high protein shake or smoothie.
Thanks for the responses. Beer is out of the question for me as I do not imbibe alcohol (very often :mst:). I sued to drink a 90%+ protein drink post workout but the big problem is that post workout the body really needs some carbs. Which means that if you have less than say 15 to 20% carbs (dependent on what you've been working out), than your body actually converts the protein to carbs which slows down the conversion of protein for muscle re-bebuilding.
Those percentages sound pretty much in line with what I've seen.

That being said, unless you're doing this at a high level, or are also training for bodybuilding purposes at a serious level, the difference you're talking about is minimal.

Hydrate and get calories in you. That's really the most any of us mortals will need to worry about for a trip back up the performance curve.

Personally, I'm an ale guy after workouts. Lagers wait for the weekends.
Eat a banana if you want more carbs eat protein pasta which will give you not only carbs but protein and Fiber. You can also add yogurt which has Carbs in it.
Post Workout it's advisable to take a supplement with between 75% protein / 20% carbs to 65% protein / 30% carbs. Currently though my supplement is 85% protein / 10% carbs. So I need to boost the carbs in the supplement. I'm actually thinking of putting in chocolate milk powder (as advised in a Men's Health Magazine) but that seems strange to me. Any advise / comments would be welcome.

I don't know if it's the best mix scientifically speaking, but I was using "Muscle Milk Light" mixed with skim milk and a couple of scoops of chocolate ovaltine. It seemed to have all the protein and carbs recommended. The trouble was that it tasted too good and I started gaining gut rather than muscle. But then I'm old, so I have a hard time putting on muscle anyway. It would probably work better for someone younger with a faster metabolism and more hormones.