Possible snow removal slow down

I was going to post that I had always thought that warmer winters tend to create more snowfall as there is more moisture in the air. I went to google it to see if the science was in on this and found that I still don't know. I found that the same groups that really push anthropomorphic global warming have taken both positions depending on the weather, not unlike their counterparts do as the weather changes.

Across the globe, and here in the Northeast, the climate is changing. Records show that spring is arriving earlier, summers are growing hotter, and winters are becoming warmer and less snowy. These changes are consistent with global warming, an urgent phenomenon driven by heat-trapping emissions from human activities.


An amazing, though clearly little-known, scientific fact: We get more snow storms in warm years!

Or it could be that equipment and manpower could not cope with the sheer volume of snow.

It snowed for days. If they go out too early, they'll be criticized for not waiting and having to clear the same streets twice. If they wait, they're criticized for taking too long.

I grew up in Montreal during the 60's. I know snow. The city would be all clear withng 24-48 hours after a 'normal' snowfall. However, during those freak large storms, it was not atypical to wait a week for everything to be cleared.
I'm just relaying what the rumors are about the snow removal. People in New York are pretty upset, so they may be looking for someone to take out their anger on. Bloomberg could have a rough couple of weeks ahead.
I was going to post that I had always thought that warmer winters tend to create more snowfall as there is more moisture in the air. I went to google it to see if the science was in on this and found that I still don't know. I found that the same groups that really push anthropomorphic global warming have taken both positions depending on the weather, not unlike their counterparts do as the weather changes.

What I hate are warm winters, but just cold enough to get some snow. You get a lot of snow one day, it melts during the day, then as night falls the temperature drops...and now you have thick sheets of ice everywhere. The worst of all worlds.
Its funny, as a kid I liked snow. Now, having to contend with more and more snow each year it is a lot less fun. The really cold weather isn't nice either. That morning walk to the car when it is below zero really wakes you up.
Mark Steyn is filling in for Rush today and, reading from the New York Post has reported that the slow snow removal was in fact a labor action in protest of budget cuts and layoffs. Mark is reporting on the deaths caused by this action, one, a newborn baby who was delivered in the stairwell of an apartment building because paramedics couldn't get through the snow. Another death was an elderly woman who also needed paramedics who again could not reach her because of the snow.

Noted economist Walter Williams will be Marks guest on the show today. Watler Williams is great.