Porcupine 1, Pit Bull 1,347 (caution graphic)


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
From the How Stupid Is That? Files...

Pit Bull vs. Porcupine
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Somewhere there is a naked Porcupine!

This Pit Bull decided he would attack a Porcupine; but being brave (yet incredibly stupid), he learned the hard way that you can't always win, no matter how tough you are. The vet sedated the dog and removed 1347 quills...the dog survived and hopefully learned the following lessons.

1. Choose your fights wisely.

2.Don't mess with Porcupines!

.... probably not.


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Would not the numbers in teh title be the other way around? ;)

I have seen this dog before. Yes poor dog.
Would not the numbers in teh title be the other way around? ;)

I have seen this dog before. Yes poor dog.

Yeah I saw that as an afterthought... but unfortunately one cannot change/edit their subject as well as they can edit posts... :idunno: oh well... still it gets one's attention, which I think was the idea... :uhyeah:
A dog sometimes has to learn the hard way that you do not mess with a porcupine or a skunk.

Sometimes a dog is so stubborn they never learn. I had a Husky/Shepard/wolf mix that would go lick a porcupine every time she saw one. Yes I said lick. She also had to say hi to every skunk she met by sticking her nose up it's rear-end as well. Other than that she was probably the smartest animal I have ever seen. :idunno:
Yeah well going up and giving a sniff is one thing... even going up to give a lick is one thing... but to constantly get battered/punctured in the face and body the way this dog did is just plain stupidly stubborn.
This is going to sound a bit odd, in view of the photos... but that is possibly the luckiest dog who ever lived.

Before you ask me what I've been smoking, consider the number of quills in the dog's face, their density, and then the fact that this dog is still in possession of both eyes!!!

I can't believe it... that many quills in the face, and no eye damage??? This dog has a guardian angel, although one with a very perverse sense of humor...
Weapons are great equalizers of strength/size arent they?
Yeah, I saw that before too. It is amazing the dog survived. I bet he never messes with a porcupine again. :D
Weapons are great equalizers of strength/size arent they?
Yep and nowhere else are you going to find a better understanding of it than in nature. :D Yet it also teaches us that there are somethings not meant to be as prey... (like certain 70 something senior citizens :uhyeah: )Those with "extreme" defense systems (armadillos, skunks, porcupines, hedgehogs, badgers, etc.) are simply there to do what they do best and are not meant to be eaten, but some animals just don't know that until they find out the hard-way. Antelopes, deer, voles, mice, groundhogs, etc. are definitely prey though they have their own defenses and will use them if given the chance.

Jade Tigress said:
Yeah, I saw that before too. It is amazing the dog survived. I bet he never messes with a porcupine again.
(it's a she) I dunno, these dogs are the type that are smart but so stubborn that they're too stupid to know when to quit, when enough is enough ... as evident by this dog and stories of Pit Bull attacks on people and other dogs/animals.
We had a dog once that was part boston terrier and part god knows whatever the father was (saw the mating/tied) and he was like a mini-pit. Stout, tough and god-awful mean to any other dog that messed with him (and us). But he was smart, just 1/3 the size of a regular pit bull. One night we heard him barking his head off and my brother who has superb hearing also heard another animal over the din of our dog. Went out with the shot gun and found a rabid opossum and killed it. The dog basically just held the animal at bay without attacking it or getting in close. It was smart enough to not tangle with it. I get the feeling that a (real) pit would've just charged into it and tore it up and thereby contracting rabies itself (even if it had shots). Just stupid.