

Yellow Belt
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
I'm trying to get using this site more often. I am wondering if it is okay to share one of my peom here? or do I need to go into different section of posting for that? It is just a peom I love and proud of that I wanted to share with you, and hear some feedback or comments about it.
The Locker Room would be a reasonable place to do something like this. The Urusai Bar & Grill is another. If you become a Supporting Member, you'll get access to the Premium areas, which include a Free Verse area, especially for sharing such works.
I wrote this poem during the moment of quiet and peace. I decided to start off with "love is like music" and words just comes in my mind and I typed it all down. I hope you like it.

Love is like music.

Love is like music where it starts from scratch.
Starting with something small and simple.
Starting with hours of pratice.
It is not perfect but the effert is there.
With time and patience, it will improve and grow.

Love is like music where one by one it expands
Adding in extra tune and sound,
Creating the next level to something greater.
It may not be perfect, but it is better than before.
That those who listens would be touched.

Love is like music where it is powerful when played from within.
Starting from the heart and mind, bringing forth a sense like no others.
The sweet vibes whispering throughout those who paused to listen.
May it be stores within the heart of others and be shared to another.
May it be kept deep inside and be use during the time of need.

Love is like music if it is done right it purifies the soul.
The gentle magic of it bring sense of peace and comfort.
Out of many things from birds to insturaments,
Winds and flutes, soft trumming of the drums, and the heartbeat
Reminds us to love like music for we all seek for comfort and peace.
Hi DayStar,

That was a nice poem.

This was composed by Minamoto Yorimasa it is a death poem:

Like a rotten log
half buried in the ground -
my life, which
has not flowered, comes
to this sad end.

To me death poems show everything about a person. It shows the highest level or the essence of one's existance in a final thought.