play by play : my latest point fight

Runs With Fire

Black Belt
I participated in a point fighting tournament Friday. I'm a bit rusty on my point fighting (haven't specifically drilled it for a while) but I added streaches and did some jogging for a few weeks prior. One match in particular, the biggee, I was paired against a rather long legged female Taekwondoian third dan. The master running the tournament had pulled me aside before the match and gave me a talk about using good control and ensuring we have a good bout. I do have a reputation for having a high power output potential.
Well, we started off and at first I'm taking it cautious and slow, as I don't know anything about her style, her school, or her tendencies. I we clashed a few times with no points l. I thought I had her figured out; she had a dainty roundhouse and didn't use her hands. Sounds easy, bait her roundhouse, perry, move in with a front kick and jab,; got it! Well I did, and it worked. 1 point me. She seemed a bit flustered and went to change it up.
So next she swiches to using her front leg, still throwing mostly rounds. So; lead in with a front kick, catch her round, counter with a round kick for a point! But she saw me going for the catch, dropped her kick and got a solid groin shot. We both got an excessive contact warning on that one. I stayed in a compact front stance and went in hard. We had several neutral exchanges until the end of round one.
Round 2
I came in fast this time, trying to close the distance and use my hands. I got in and had good contact with a few jabs and crosses, but once again, it was neutral. Either some judges couldn't see enough to make the call, or we hit simultaneously. I switched to a side stance, wen and received a solid roundhouse to the belly. 1 point her.
I this time work my angles, still trying to fight my way in close. I just can't seem to get there. She throws a fake out front kick, followed by a roundhouse .
2 points her.
Now I have got to be sneaky. My usual stealth is to fake a front kick/ round kick to torso into a round to the side of the head. Only, she was taller than me and I wasn't getting very close. Tried to sneak an inverted round kick under her low guard and get center chest, I came close, we clashed a few times but there wasn't a clear point. Went in with my back leg crescent kick followed by an extended jab in horse stance ( an old favorite ). Close but no cigar. I went with an array of basic kicks and punches coming straight at her and backed her into the corner. I for some reason threw a nice back leg round house...and for some reason, placed my kicking leg back behind me and turned to a side stance and... bang a loud roundhouse to my chest
Three points, she wins.
Well darn. Alot of split decision and close points, but I wasn't clear enough with striking. At the end of it all she said "usually people don't last that long with me. And you got more hits than me, they just didn't call them. And I hope I didn't go to hard; I'm used to full contact"
Congratulations on the tournament. Wins and losses will come and go, but the overall competition is the experience. I was a very active competitor back-in-the-day and reading your play-by-play brought me back. Great job holding your own with someone who sounds like she completes a lot. Do you think that you will be competing again in the near future?
Congratulations on the tournament. Wins and losses will come and go, but the overall competition is the experience. I was a very active competitor back-in-the-day and reading your play-by-play brought me back. Great job holding your own with someone who sounds like she completes a lot. Do you think that you will be competing again in the near future?
it was fun! My first loss, well I still got second place. Though I never competed much either. There is a local tournament here usually once a year but the past couple years it was cancelled. Most of my other matches are recorded and posted here somewhere if you care to look up my previous threads. I do plan on competing again. I'd like to enter the same tournament next year with better preparation. I'd really like to try and win it while I an still in the 18-29 year old category. I'll be 30 next summer. The hard part is, in the 18-290 year old open division, most competitors are younger than 20
Ah nice work mate! That was really cool to read the point by point, I don't know how you remember it all haha! And as you long as you learn something from it or even just enjoyed the experience that's where the good stuff is :).

And awesome stuff considering your health issues last year to be back and doing a tournament, great to see :).

I didn't realise there were tournaments that mixed the genders above a certain age? A tournament I was in last year only had mixed genders I think up to 7 or 8 years old.. well there ya go!
Ah nice work mate! That was really cool to read the point by point, I don't know how you remember it all haha! And as you long as you learn something from it or even just enjoyed the experience that's where the good stuff is :).

And awesome stuff considering your health issues last year to be back and doing a tournament, great to see :).

I didn't realise there were tournaments that mixed the genders above a certain age? A tournament I was in last year only had mixed genders I think up to 7 or 8 years old.. well there ya go!
Yeah, I had quite a bout and then some with my health. I fear I am experiencing the pre symptoms of getting older. Currently I have a back problem, an injured left knee ( from doing the splits) water on the other knee after having a severe knee infection. The key thus far is to not let my competitors know it. On the plus side, I'm now enjoying tournaments more than ever!
I have only competed in this tournament, always with mixed genders. Don't really see any negative side to it in point fighting.
And I hope I didn't go to hard; I'm used to full contact"
You can think of it as a positive day as long as you had fun and learned something. It was actually good that you didn't have an easy time dominating her. As for the used to full contact. Most people who are used to full contact aren't that great to point sparring, because in full contact you can absorb a softer strike or a glancing strike if it means that you get to return a more powerful or a solid strike in return.

With point sparring the focus is to hit without being hit. In full contact the goal isn't "not to get hit" but to "not get hit with something that can damage you in a way that affects your fighting." A loss in point sparring just means that you had a good learning experience. Now you get to work on designing a strategy for kickers with long legs.

And congrats on making 2nd place. 2nd place is still a good accomplishment.
You can think of it as a positive day as long as you had fun and learned something. It was actually good that you didn't have an easy time dominating her. As for the used to full contact. Most people who are used to full contact aren't that great to point sparring, because in full contact you can absorb a softer strike or a glancing strike if it means that you get to return a more powerful or a solid strike in return.

With point sparring the focus is to hit without being hit. In full contact the goal isn't "not to get hit" but to "not get hit with something that can damage you in a way that affects your fighting." A loss in point sparring just means that you had a good learning experience. Now you get to work on designing a strategy for kickers with long legs.

And congrats on making 2nd place. 2nd place is still a good accomplishment.

I agree with what JowGaWolf is saying about full-contact competitors not always being great at point sparring. Many "standard" contact tournaments are quick-tag matches. That's not to sound insulting; many promoters want to create a safe tournament environment for their competitors. Often times a competitor will score a point with a technique that would not be very effective in actual self defense or full-contact competition. Those are really good tournaments to start with if a person wants to get into competition without worrying about getting too injured.
For some reason I read the title as: My latest Porn fight...

Needless to say I was somewhat relieved and disappointed with the actual thread.
You can think of it as a positive day as long as you had fun and learned something. It was actually good that you didn't have an easy time dominating her. As for the used to full contact. Most people who are used to full contact aren't that great to point sparring, because in full contact you can absorb a softer strike or a glancing strike if it means that you get to return a more powerful or a solid strike in return.

With point sparring the focus is to hit without being hit. In full contact the goal isn't "not to get hit" but to "not get hit with something that can damage you in a way that affects your fighting." A loss in point sparring just means that you had a good learning experience. Now you get to work on designing a strategy for kickers with long legs.

And congrats on making 2nd place. 2nd place is still a good accomplishment.
I like point fighting in the ideal phase of it but I hate what it's become when you see these guys leaping in with their heads forward with a ridiculous over head head back knuckle. Whenever I've done I've always fought the same way I fight full contact (minus the full contact bit)

Also on second place being a good accomplishment. It is unless there was only 2 people in the division lol. Not kidding this happens in not just points matches but in jiu jitsu comps to there's 1 guy in a category so he doesn't fight but gets a gold medal and can say he's now the world champion....bit like Conor mcgregor lol beats one guy never fights again calls himself champion 2 years after winning a fight lol

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