
  • Thread starter Thread starter Sabaki
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Yeah, I get grumpy when I don't get to class for a while.

Then, my wife *pushes* me to class, saying, "I don't care WHAT else you have going on, GET TO CLASS!!"

Heh....when I get grumpy, my wife gets grumpy. When my wife is grumpy, EVERYBODY gotta duck..;)'s safer that I take time out and get my butt to class. Then, I come home sweaty, smiling, and sore, and life is good again.

I don't do drugs--that's what MA is for.....that natural high beats all there is...well....with a *couple* of exceptions.....*ahem*.



I seem to have more of the mental "ruts" latley.. but I have overcome my biggest one so far in my MA life.... Sparring... at first I very much disliked it.. im sure in all reality it was because i lacked the physical stamina (at the time) to even last 1 min.. but I made it into a mental issue.. even when i started lasting longer.. i kept telling myself that i was NO good at sparring...

Well.. for some reason.. the light when on upstairs.. the little hamster in the wheel finally woke up.. and i realize that I can Spar...(still not very well) But now I want to spar.. Heck.. im even going up to London to visit some friends who are gonna initiate me into some Contact sparring!!:rolleyes: (what have i gotten myself into!! hehehehe)
see all previous sparring was no contact.. so you can see the mental block i put on myself was silly
in that particular case.. what i thought was a physical limitation on my part.. was actually a mental one... either that or im just going mental.. hahahahahaha
Just try your best to work through all your roadblocks....
Never give up.... NEVER surrender..... (sorry i watched Galaxie Quest last night.. sigh... maybe i am crazy!!)

That's the same problem I'm having (except the sparring I do is full contact ..... sometimes light contact). When I did TSD, I hardly sparred. I disliked it ALOT LOL. Now I spar more, but I stink at it. I do wanna get better, eventhough I still don't like sparring. Do you think it's a"mental block" with me also?
Originally posted by Sabaki

The 14th Style - "can't see the forest for the trees", I like the analogy.

You've been training in Eskrima huh?

Do you have any forms/patterns/kata that exist in Eskrima? I understand it's quite a devastating straight to the point style that utilisises what some might call "dirty tricks" - not that there is anything wrong with that.

I understand Dan Inosanto trains / teaches Eskrima, are all types of Eskrima the same or are there different styles, as in Karate or other forms of martial art?

Hi Sabaki, we don't have any Katas or forms
(as I understand them) in my style. Of course I can not speak for all styles, but for us instead of Katas we have what is called carenza (not sure if I spelled that right) it's like shadow boxing. It changes everytime, with no set begining or end.

As for dirty tricks. I don't know about that. One of the big concept in Eskrima is called defanging the snake. the idea that if you destroy the weapon hand, destroy the limb, you end the fight. Most of our counters are designed not to just block an attack but to destroy the hand or wrist(with or without a weapon) or foot etc., as it strikes and to follow up with your own attack and put your opponent down as quickly as possible. No wasted movement. A lot of the old men fought for real and I was told the Eskrima matches were pretty bloody. Many Eskrimadors were crippled or killed. This lasted up until the mid or late 50's as I understand it. They only used what worked and didn't have time for anything else.

Yes Danny Inosanto was one of my teacher's teachers for many years. If you get a chance, check out his book "The Filipino Martial Arts", it's a great reference guide.
As for styles, just like other arts, there are probably hundreds of different Eskrima/Kali/Arnis styles out there. I could probably name at least 40. Although many have been lost.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Although there are many FMA guys on this board such as Arnisador and many others that can probably explain it better than I. But, anyway that's my understanding of it. ;)

Respectfully, The 14th Style
I'm a real big fan of Inosanto, he has really done a good job representing JKD for Lee.

I haven't seen any Eskrima clubs around my neighbourhood, or entire city for that matter. Would you consider it to be one of the rarer martial arts?
Originally posted by Sabaki

I'm a real big fan of Inosanto, he has really done a good job representing JKD for Lee.

I haven't seen any Eskrima clubs around my neighbourhood, or entire city for that matter. Would you consider it to be one of the rarer martial arts?

Danny is great. My teacher had some tapes he made of them working out. A lot of fun to watch!

I think so. A lot of places, (that I've seen) teach it as part of Karate, but I haven't seen many straight FMA schools. Here in town there are only 4 places that teach it. And all of those are Karate or TKD schools.
The part that bothers me, is that some of the schools that I've seen just teach it as a stickfighting art and don't expand the concepts. It's so much more that that! I had one guy come up to me and tell me that the sticks looked cool. But he would rather stick to a combat art.

Also some styles are VERY difficult to find. Such as Cadena de Mano (my favorite). I think a lot of it is taught as a backyard art. That's how I was taught.
The 14th style

It could be a mental rut too!!! See but now.. when i say I suck at sparring.. I do it jokingly (is that even a word??) SO i really do now look forward to some sparring.. even if i do get my butt whooped by you and kenpogirl this month... oooooooo 6 days left... hehehehe

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