Pirate Party Coming To Canada

Bob Hubbard

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Pirate Party Coming To Canada

Posted by timothy on Sunday July 05, @05:08AM
from the but-the-vikings-hit-canada-hundreds-of-years-ago dept.

An anonymous reader writes "After scoring a surprise electoral win in Sweden and getting high-profile support in Germany, The Pirate Party is coming to Canada. The party's goals are fairly simple. People should have the right to share and copy music, movies and virtually any material, as long as it is for personal use, not for profit. It opposes government and corporate monitoring of Internet activities, unless as part of a criminal investigation. It also wants to phase out patents."
OK after reading that I am disappointed, I was thinking parrots on the shoulder, eye patches, cutlasses, walking the planks and politicians calling each other Scurvy dog :D
I like some of their ideas, but not all. I'm all for patents, just not the frivilous ones, like patenting where the home link is on a web page.
People should have the right to share and copy music, movies and virtually any material, as long as it is for personal use

I agree maybe then cd's will not cost $15 a movie ticket won't cost $10 a DVD won't cost $20. Then their are the artist and actors who couldn't care less about their fans and those who buy their work no wonder people are looking into alternative measures to obtain things.

If we look at how much it cost to make 1,000 cds as found here:

It takes roughly $9,000 to make 1,000 cds so roughly $9 a cd with a profit of $6 on every cd if the cd is sold at $15 per cd.
Casino Royale was made for $150 million. They made about $250 million during its theatrical run (so, 150 went back into the project to pay off debts and a portion of the remaining went to the points system for investors, paying the actors, merchandising, advertising, etc.). Now, with the DVD release, downloads, music CDs and other merchandising distributions, I am predicting that it will make another $200 million easily.
150 goes back to pay for the cost of the movie maybe another 50million or even 75 million for investors etc etc. leaving a profit of 25-50million dollars. Even if paying debts was more clearly someone is making some money. And then we have the DVD's and other tie ins. Alot of money involved so maybe some of this can go to the consumer with cheaper prices.
There is already a surcharge on blank media, and storage devices in many areas to cover for bootlegs. It's time to tell the RIAA and the MPAA and their ilk that they can't double and triple dip any more.
Hey if they look like Johnny Depp and retain that wonderful accent they can...

What, they're not actual pirates???
There is already a surcharge on blank media, and storage devices in many areas to cover for bootlegs. It's time to tell the RIAA and the MPAA and their ilk that they can't double and triple dip any more.

Up here the rules are a little different.

We do pay a levy on certain types of blank media (ex CD's), however as part of that legally we are allowed to copy audio recording for personal use. Downloading music is ok, although sharing is a little grey and hasn't been tested in court.
You like paying the music industry for Linux on CD eh?
It’s crap that you should have to pay a tax on blank media. 95% of my CD’s are used for photos and data, no music what so ever.
But they keep trying don't they?
Unless debates in Canadian Government start getting punctuated with copious ARRRRRs :pirate4: and starting sounding like this

"First, your copyright law was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, so I 'must' do nothing. And secondly, you must be a politician for the Pirate Parties' Code to apply, and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome Canadian Government." :pirates:

"Yer off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters" %-}

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request" :pirateph3

And if they are not changing the Canadian flag to this :pirate:

Frankly I don't care :piratelau
But they keep trying don't they?

Nope, not had a RIAA lawsuit up here over music copying for personal use.

The RIAA and the US government have been pressuring the Canadian government to reform our laws though, but so far we are good.
Meant all the pressure to rework your copyright laws.

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