Niether do we so why ask us ? What I can say is if you appoach this style with some sort of preconceptions about what YOU think real Martial arts are then this is not the style for you.
Yeah... i was just posting my doubts, not asking for your opinion. But i was looking forward for advice, but got critism instead.
Street fighting OH what a "cliche" this phrase has become. Sounds like Krav maga is going to land you in legal hot water as your not looking to avoid trouble/conflict but to confront it head on with your new found skills.
Trust a friend with your life loose both in the bargin. (thanks to who evers sign, that is)
As cliche as it is, its the only time i would use a martial art. Especially around my area.
That is because there is NO accurate picture of Ninjutsu/Bujinkan , it is like trying to take a picture of a fast moving Nascar with a box browie camera.
No it does not fair well on the street because all the (cliche) "streetfights" I have ever seen are just Ego contests from one side or both sides. To learn from this art you need to have your ego in check at least, the goal being to fully understand how ego will work for and against you. Now I am sure someone will say OH but what about if you get attacked on the street! Well this style requires TOTAL freedom to be fully effective that is freedom from All legal, moral and eithical worries. So if you are attacked on the street RUN , Call the Police , if you are cornered and have no phone well then you have a little legal freedom that will allow you to protect yourself until you reach that legal line in the sand again.Even in warfare these days there is NOT total freedom as you still have rules of engagement , Genv convention , chain of command etc etc.
ok, thanks.
This is one of your preconceptions about things again now isn't it! I could post 100 storys in the news in recent years about this. Let me just say this, someone I have trained with was attacked by a group of people in his own home one wielding a sword. He was badly injured but still managed to kill one and severly wound another one of his attackers with thier own sword. He most certainly did not win, only survived and is still paying the mental an legal costs to this day, even though he was not charged over the the matter due to it being self defence. The other fact you seem to overlook is the fact that swords like all other martial tools, teach you MUCH much more than how to just use or deal with swords . Again your preconceptions about martial arts.