Perhaps the Police should just order people to kiss and make up. Literally.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score

A simple way to keep law and order – make everyone kiss and cuddle
People are often frustrated by a complicated justice system when all they want is an apology, says Boris Johnson.
Suddenly the policeman clapped his hands again and barked a flurry of Arabic at all present. That's it, I thought: we are all going to be hauled off to the blooming station for an orgy of tedium. Then things got very odd indeed.

First the cop spoke kindly to the taxi driver, and then leant forward closely and kissed him on the crown of the head. Then the 19-year-old road rager made a short speech to the taxi driver, bowed and kissed him on the cheek. Then the road-rager's male passenger also embraced the taxi driver and there was general shaking of hands and embracing by everyone except possibly the road-rager's female passenger. And that – believe me – was it.

As we drove off for the remains of our evening, the taxi driver was exultant. He had been offered money by the young man, which he had magnanimously refused, but he had been given an apology. Honour, he felt, was satisfied.

Now what would we think if our police dispensed justice by ordering miscreants to apologise on the spot, to pay compensation (if required) for any injury done, and to complete the procedure by giving them a kiss?
Holy cow! That is awesome! I guess as long as it's sincere and doesn't get out of hand!

The first impulse is to laugh derisively.... until, upon reflection, one can see it works better than what we have and satisfies people as well.
Rodney Carrington once suggested everyone just get in a big pile and hug. He said it would be fine, until someone chipped a tooth.
The first impulse is to laugh derisively.... until, upon reflection, one can see it works better than what we have and satisfies people as well.

Wait, hang on, was this a discussion about socialized healthcare?
:p ;)

More seriously of course: I think there should be more of that around here as well. It leaves both parties an honorable way out, does not generate paperwork, does not cost time, and does not enrich the lawyers.
Does that mean when driving, if I cut off Angelina Jolie a couple of times a day, I get to kiss and hug her to make it all better? Sounds like one hell of a plan to me!!:)

Are you thinking of having us kiss oneanother online if we can't behave in the forums?
I had a warped comment involving baby oil, then I realized Bill posted this in the Study.

I'm sorry Bill, but it's hard to keep this one serious.
I would just go around starting fights randomly, just for the hell of it. Big messy group fights. Eeeheeeheeeheee.:rofl:
I forget what it was now, something like gotta hope the cop doesn't confuse the mace and babyoil sprays.