Pencak Silat With Guro Erik Kruk!

Eric Kruk has some of the smoothest moves in the business. There's only a handful of truly informative posters on youtube, and he's in the forefront for Silat. Mike (Blackgrave) said the seminar they had was a blast, and I wish I could have attended.

People like Eric make me confident the next generation has the art secure.
Eric Kruk has some of the smoothest moves in the business. There's only a handful of truly informative posters on youtube, and he's in the forefront for Silat. Mike (Blackgrave) said the seminar they had was a blast, and I wish I could have attended.

People like Eric make me confident the next generation has the art secure.

I feel the same way about Michael Williams in regards to Baringin Sakti. Really smooth, skilled, knowledgeable, and always the student.

-wes tasker
Guru Erik really is talented. Aside from that, he and his students were extremely friendly and humble. The Harimau he taught during his seminar in San Antonio is awesome. In addition to the training, his wife performed some traditional dances where you can see some of the art in the dance. I was able to buy a beautiful kerambit from West Sumatra he brought down as an added bonus. I hope to be able to train with him again in the future. If you ever have a chance to learn from him, don't pass it up.

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