Passing of Sijo


Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
One of our Kaju Ohana called me early this morning and told me Sijo Emperado passed on last night at 11:15. If it is true, then I am deeply saddend. I know that his "Ohana" will carry on his legacy of the Kajukenbo art for generations to come. Rest in peace Sijo.
He was the teacher of my father and my uncle. He will be missed. My heart and prayers go out to his family. Mahalo Sijo, for all you have done.

One of our Kaju Ohana called me early this morning and told me Sijo Emperado passed on last night at 11:15. If it is true, then I am deeply saddend. I know that his "Ohana" will carry on his legacy of the Kajukenbo art for generations to come. Rest in peace Sijo.
Hi folks,
Saddly, I was just informed myself recently by a source in Hawaii, Due to me erroneously reporting that some time ago, I was hesitant to make mention of it. I too hope it's not true but it seems to accurate. I hope John Bishop of other members of the Kajukenbo family will substantiate this sad occurance,
Thank you for your time,
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Sijo, as well as all of the Kajukenbo Ohana.

RIP Sijo.:asian:
RIP. A great loss to the martial arts world as much as he was a great benefit to us all.
Sadly, this time it is true. Sijo passed in his sleep last night. Although it's a heartbreaking loss for the Kajukenbo Ohana, it is a consolation that all his pain and suffering is over. And Sijo rests in peace forever.
My heart and prayers go out to his family and to all of his students. Today we lost another of the greats. I am saddened deeply.
My deepest condolences to Sijo's family. Although I don't train in Kaju, from what little I know about the man, I too realise that we have lost another of the great pioneers of the martial arts.

Truly sorry to hear the news.

When one of the great ones passes, it causes everyone to reflect on what they have contributed to the martial art world. Sijo Adriano D. Emperado was Prof. Chow's first black belt, the primary founder and leader of Kajukenbo and even the man that gave Ed Parker his 8th degree to recognize what a tremendous contribution that he had made to the martial arts. Very few in the martial arts world weren't touched by Sijo either directly or by those that he influenced.

There's no replacing the great ones. They leave their unique imprint on the world, and history and the rest of us just try to rise to the bar they set.

RIP Sijo.

Kajukenbo Forever!
Dear Kajukenbo clan members,
On behalf of Nick Cerio's Kenpo and the Kenpo/Kempo Lo Kahi, I would like to express my deep condolences of behalf of myself and Master Bill Chun, Jr. for your great loss. Sijo Emperado's influence is far reaching and has produced hundreds of offshoots, of which Nick Cerio's Kenpo is one of them. Having suffered the loss of our leader, Professor Nick Cerio, over 10 years ago, I hope that Kajukenbo Ohana remains intact and strong and carries on the memory of Sijo Emperado with dignity and respect.

With respect,
Shihan John James
I am deeply saddened by hearing Sijo passed away. My condolences to the Emperado family. Sijo is a legend and will live in our hearts forever!