Damian Mavis
Master Black Belt

My test consisted of 2 rounds of shadow boxing to demonstrate technique (which I pushed waaaaay to hard for and spent valuable energy I needed for the next part) Followed by 2 three minute rounds of kicking and kneeing the pads while the holder is kicking you in the legs, torso and head! (I had no idea they were going to kick me in the head but I think I got special treatment being a TKD instructor) My injuries aren't too bad, they consist of: charlie horse on my left thigh, a giant black welt on the inside of my right knee, a sore jaw from catching a right cross with that thai shield and a red welt on my ribs from letting one kick get through my guard. ( when that kick landed I got a sharp pain and couldnt breathe in...I thought for a second it was all over but I pushed through and caught my breath back). After that was finally over....I was shocked to find out I had to do 2 more rounds of 5 5 5. Five five five is 5 kicks, 5 knees and then swing your holder and follow up 5 kicks. That is a killer workout just in class let alone when the pressure is on and everyones shouting at you to keep moving and the holder is resisting your swing so you have to use twice as much energy just to move the guy. After 2 rounds of that I thought for sure I must have just shaved off a couple years of my life from pushing my heart too hard but thankfully it was all over.
What was really nice about the whole thing was that some of my senior students had come to watch and cheer me on and even took photos which I will be putting up on my website if any of you are interested in seeing them. Photos will probably be up next week.
At the end of the test my girlfriend gave me certified Thai shorts that she had just bought me for my birthday. It was a great night. (I turn 29 in 16 minutes)
If you read all this, thanks!
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD