Gary Crawford
I need some feed back if you please,My wife has been a TKD student for the last two years and I am very proud of her acomplishments.She has become a very agressive sparrer to spite all her injuries.Last night,she went to her class and did some sparring.One of her oponents was a woman who had a very previous neck injury and all of the students had been told not to kick her to the head.When my wife was sparring with her,this woman kept her chest gaurd well covered and received a lot of kicks that hit her hands.My wife was getting frustrated and decided to axe kick her to the front of her chest gaurd,but as her foot was coming down,this woman turned her head into the kick and was grazed down her face.Of course my wife was very upset that she got her there and the woman was completely P/O'd over it.IMHO this woman shouln't have been allowed to sparr with a limitation like that.What do Ya'll think?