Online Self-Defense Training

Well Xue I do not feel that anyone can learn well from online courses. (you really need a real live instructor to correct your mistakes) That does not seem quite to be what Ted Truscott is promoting here. He just has some videos on his site and it appears is trying to get people involved in protecting themselves which is always a good thing.
At first glance, it looks like he's taken my favorite parts of Marc MacYoung's page, and put them in a "readable" format. (Minus the "shock effect" and language.)
Online martial arts is like online sex, it just does not work!

Seriously, without your coach there with you tell you what you do, correcting you, repositioning where you should be and all that are integral to MA as a whole. THink about any Karate class you've been in, non of that can be recreated online.
Online martial arts is like online sex, it just does not work!

Seriously, without your coach there with you tell you what you do, correcting you, repositioning where you should be and all that are integral to MA as a whole. THink about any Karate class you've been in, non of that can be recreated online.

That's a very good point, but he's not teaching online martial arts. He's teaching awareness, criminal psychology, and a self-defense lifestyle. I don't thing a video on how to jab, or throw a knee to the groin qualifies as a "Martial Art."

Most martial arts don't teach what he's trying to teach.
I beleive to get the full understanding of SD tactics, you need to have a qualify instructor. One that can help guide you though every aspect of your training. An online course is not the same.
That's a very good point, but he's not teaching online martial arts. He's teaching awareness, criminal psychology, and a self-defense lifestyle

OK Awareness and Criminal psychology can be learned ( or some basics) can be learned on line...Ya still need proper instruction to insure those jabs and knees to the groin land properly...

Most martial arts don't teach what he's trying to teach.

You mean the Awareness and Criminal Psychology??
He does have this on his home page.

Do not practice them without an instructor present. And I must disclaim all responsibility and liability for any misuse of the educational and historical techniques I have collected here

I think he is trying to raise awareness as well, which is a good thing, however I do have a problem with the videos attached to the page that could be thought of as trying to teach via the web. But obviously not enough to put me in rant mode like 3 minute tai chi did.

I will admit I have not read all the articles attached but I do not have a problem with those since I do feel it is to raise awareness.

I came across this today and I was just wondering how others felt about it

And I agree with Omar B about online MA training.
OK Awareness and Criminal psychology can be learned ( or some basics) can be learned on line...Ya still need proper instruction to insure those jabs and knees to the groin land properly...

True, but they're still a far cry from teaching sword work, or round kicks. I haven't watched the videos myself, I was drawn to the articles instead.

You mean the Awareness and Criminal Psychology??

Yeah, the stuff that is hard to teach during workouts, because people want to keep moving, and do exercises, instead of stopping and discussing.

As I'm moving into more of an instructor position at my studio, I really want to teach situational awareness, de-escalation, trying not to be a target, and recognizing and manipulating various forms of power. The owner agrees it's a good thing to teach, but we're not sure how to do it using the more "traditional" format. It would be better to take people on walks around town, but our school is just not geared for that.
Hello, Reading books, watching videos, on line computer learning for learning self-defense? can one learn from these materials? ...YES!

How many of you have videos, of martial artist? some kind of lessons? Watch them and have learn something from them?

For beginners? ....they will be able to learn many things..from on line training.....they may even be able to apply what they learn on the streets....IS THIS THE BEST WAY? .UM? ..just one more way to increase one's knowledge.....

Coaching...or having a train teacher will always be the best way to learn...having training partners....actual training...will always be better..

Have you watch the video : "How to protect yourself " by Master John Tsai! This is a good learning video for those who want to be able to defend themselves without any martial art backgrounds.

Numerous Rape prevention videos,books are out there too....with the purpose to teach women to protect themselves....many easy to use, apply with out years of training....

Online training...we are beginning to see MORE AND MORE today....for martial arts, educations, jobs training.....even flying airplanes....

Learning martial arts....thru a teacher...will always be the best way to is a good...addition...

( online martial art forums? this a good way to increase one's knowledge?)

Aloha fishing...NOT the same as real fishing....(NOTE: caught bigger fish online.....Wow!

PS: One day online training....may give you enough infor to protect yourself....thru awareness training, intincts training, and maybe actually learn a few techniques that will work for the average person with NO experience....(not to be expert martial artist....just to be able to defend one self....with simple moves and techniques)

Poking the eyes ,hiting the groin, and many years will it take to learn this? ....10 years,20 years or 10 minutes?

Our soon as it was born...knew how to bite.....UM....where did she learn this? dog videos?
S_L yes you can learn something but you are never ever going to become what you could with formal training. This is my opinion and of course we all know that opinion means really nothing. So take what I say with a gain of salt.
Our soon as it was born...knew how to bite.....UM....where did she learn this? dog videos?

Hello...instinct...tells us to do things without thinking...if instinct is good we do good things...if instinct is bad we do bad do we know? ...people giving feedback? ... hah, only if we listen...

It seems like good stuff to me. It doesn't appear that he is promoting online courses to make you an invincible "street fighter" or any some such ridiculus thing. It seems like he is simply promoting sound self-defense principles; not false hopes or misleading info. The only thing commercial on there is the link to his dojo and some books and tapes mostly by other people.

So it seems good to me...
How many of you have videos, of martial artist? some kind of lessons? Watch them and have learn something from them?
There's a difference between using a video for review.... and using a video as one's sole source... of instruction.... There's somethingonthewing... some... thing.... KHAAAAAANNNNNNN!

Sorry, what were we talking about again? :idunno:
If it is of any relevance, my son can play Mario Tennis very well... But he cannot play tennis on the tennis courts at all! Boy, was he surprised! :p
I agree in principal with most of the posters, but....

There's no way I could have gone from white into any sort of real black belt via an online course (no matter how many are available these days). The hands on coaching was indispensable.

On the other hand, I'm now an experienced and knowledgable teacher with a solid understanding of the basics. I've watched a lot of training videos and am able to learn new 'dirty tricks' from them, by applying what they say to what I already know. Or maybe it's vice versa.

In short, Xue, you're very experienced and knowledgable. If you're asking for yourself, you'll probably learn some useful stuff. If you're asking for a novice, I don't recommend it.
In short, Xue, you're very experienced and knowledgable. If you're asking for yourself, you'll probably learn some useful stuff. If you're asking for a novice, I don't recommend it.

Thanks, but no I am not asking for myself, I just came across and I had my typical knee jerk reaction to it which was basically

"What a load of......."

But I thought about it, calmed down and decided to ask the opinions of others with experience that may likely look at this in a much more calm light than I first did so I thought I should ask before I just went off on a rant.
I'm reading some of his articles right now, which don't seem to be very bad at all. He mentions some little "tricks" which I have never thought of.

You can be agreeable: "Hey, great party" as you slide on past. If the group is large, look to the back and without catching anyone’s eye in particular try: "Hey, guy, how ya’ doing?" to give the impression that someone in the group knows you. You want to be a real person to them to lessen their aggressiveness. Don’t give lip or obvious looks of scorn. Be respectful, be smooth, keep moving.

(emphasis mine)

Do you know how to run across a street of busy traffic safely? Some people feel there is less danger in doing this obviously dangerous manoeuvre than to go down under a group bent on violence. It is definitely a last ditch skill to be used only to escape a real ’death is imminent’ situation.


You must set your run alongside the car in the lane to your left. Of course if traffic is moving very fast, do not try this manouver at all! You can look back and see if the car next in line sees you but don’t spend too much time on it as you need your eyes forward.

It helps if there is no traffic coming towards you so choose a car to cross behind by gauging the traffic flow coming from your front you. Now, while running alongside your chosen car (if it is a large, slow van, you can even pace it better if you can reach out and touch it), edge into the space right behind the back bumper. Likely it is going faster than you so this doesn’t take much time. It is also most probable that by this time the guy behind will have seen you and is going, "Whahhh the @#$%?"

Once the car is gone and you have a clear shot, don’t hesitate or look, just dart across into the middle of the road. If you timed it right, there should be no traffic coming at you in the opposite lane to slow you down.

The secret is to take your timing from oncoming traffic, then from the car you are going behind and not to worry about the most dangerous car, the one coming at you from the rear.

And now you know why this is a very desperate measure not to be tried just for the giggle of it all.

That's almost like some kind of "trade-craft"! Hehe, pretty cool!
Hello, Online self-defense training? .....One thing is good? can make lots of money if you are successful at it! ...the selling part!

The American entrepreneur work here....!

Aloha .....(online cooking eggs? ...need one quick...chicken just lay one...two...?)

PS: Ever had a "kimchee" sandwich? ....UM! ..with fried eggs?....
Hello, Online self-defense training? .....One thing is good? can make lots of money if you are successful at it! ...the selling part!

The American entrepreneur work here....!

Aloha .....(online cooking eggs? ...need one quick...chicken just lay one...two...?)

PS: Ever had a "kimchee" sandwich? ....UM! ..with fried eggs?....

Except he's a Canadian :)