Ong-Bak:The thai warrior



So whos gonna go see this movie?

The hype is that Tony Jaa (star of this movie) is the next Jackie Chan or Jet Li.

I think it looks good
tony is da man, that lil skinny dude scares the beejesus out of me
The fight scenes were nice, but this has got to be one of the worst movies I've seen. I want the 2 hours of my life back, it was that bad.
You typically don't go to see movies like that for the Oscar caliber performances. The MA was awesome though. I bought it, and watched it a few times. The stunts alone were worth the $ (considering no wires used).

Well, truthfully, if it was just about the martial arts, I'd prefer to attend a large MA tournament and watch the kata competition.

Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are examples of movies I much prefer in the MA genre, wire-fu and all.
I'm generally tongue-in-cheek about MA movies, but i enjoyed that one very much. Will most definately be seeing #2.