One year in Shotokan! Yay! =]


Senior Master
So friday was the end of my first year in shotokan karate (sept 10, 2009 - sept 10, 2010) and usually after class the BB's go out, but my sandan bf asked if i could join them that night and sensei said yes, and they drank a toast to me. awesome. =]

I learned so much in just one year of shotokan and now looking forward to what I will learn in my seond year, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc etc! :angel:
Good deal man, congrats. I love when Sensei keeps the black belts back after class, always some interesting stuff happening.
Congrats! You just got through the most difficult phase of your martial arts training, and that was getting past that first year.

If you're ever in my area (Central Alabama), feel free to stop on by, and I'll make a toast to you, complete with a plate of barbecue!

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