OK I am wrong and so is everybody else


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
I have come to the conclusion that my way of thinking is wqrong I need to go ahead and join the USAT bandwagon and start puckering up so that my players will be like and have a fair chance. All I would like to add is I am opening a fund forsome of the lower eand students so they can attend a Lopez or Moreno camp and become what only they can teach. I have seen the light never develope your own athlete take from somebody else who has put in the time to get them there and then turn around and **** on them. I have seen the light to the almighty USAT and the staff of experts they have, if only I was brainwash sooner.

In closing I would like to add that all of you that are against thenew way of the USAT please go and get checked out so you too can become a puppet like me.:asian:
Trust me, there are many more in your corner than you think. This is why orgs come and go. This why orgs eventually fail. Give anyone enough rope and they will hang themselves. Including USAT.
Trust me, there are many more in your corner than you think. This is why orgs come and go. This why orgs eventually fail. Give anyone enough rope and they will hang themselves. Including USAT.

I guess but you know they have the only way to the game so as instructor with certain student wishing for that dream either we commit to there way for now or get lost in the shuffle.
Terry......brilliant. LOL!

Master Southwick you know for Zachary and a few others I have to keep up with USAT no matter how I feel about it sometimes we must just do what is best for them the students. Best of Luck hopefully I will see you at the Michigan Qualifier, I told Peter we would be there next year.
Just remember the squeeky wheel gets the oil. So do stop voicing your opinion just because you have to comply for now. You can still comply and complain at the same time.
Just remember the squeeky wheel gets the oil. So do stop voicing your opinion just because you have to comply for now. You can still comply and complain at the same time.

I will be complaining the whole journey, my voice will be heard if only by me. I am just saying like you should be saying we ahve to do what is the only option at this point.
or you could do what i suggested a YEAR ago and leave that olympic style BS behind you

who CARES if some of the kids want to do it

it sucks

its crappy TKD

the hassle isnt worth it


or are you sooooooo invested in this olympic style crapola that you cant do anything else?

do you even own anything but pullover gis anymore?

dude, remember where your pair is, put them back on, and tell the koreans and the olympics to stuff it
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Terry, Terry, Terrry. I know you are frustrated my friend, but you know better than this.

I'm sure you're just smarting off, venting and being sarcastic. But seriously. You know what's right and what's wrong.

It can be tough for the abused to leave an abusive, co-dependent relationship. It's weird how people become attached to their abusers. But at some point ya gotta just shove 'em out the door and be done with them, and be stronger yourself for it. Time to go your own way and don't concern yourself with what they are doing.

To hell with certifications, to hell with affiliations, to hell with obligations, to hell with kow-towing, to hell with politics.

Do we really gotta show up on your doorstep and do an intervention?
Terry, Terry, Terrry. I know you are frustrated my friend, but you know better than this.

I'm sure you're just smarting off, venting and being sarcastic. But seriously. You know what's right and what's wrong.

It can be tough for the abused to leave an abusive, co-dependent relationship. It's weird how people become attached to their abusers. But at some point ya gotta just shove 'em out the door and be done with them, and be stronger yourself for it. Time to go your own way and don't concern yourself with what they are doing.

To hell with certifications, to hell with affiliations, to hell with obligations, to hell with kow-towing, to hell with politics.

Do we really gotta show up on your doorstep and do an intervention?

No Michael you are te only one that read the sarcastic rone in the post, man, I have been fighting for the right side so long that I cannot believe peopl think I was serious. Zachary can always try and make the Puerto ico team since my wife is Puerto Rican, not the same as being on the US team but still the Olympics maybe. Take care all and I will see you soon.
Master Southwick you know for Zachary and a few others I have to keep up with USAT no matter how I feel about it sometimes we must just do what is best for them the students. Best of Luck hopefully I will see you at the Michigan Qualifier, I told Peter we would be there next year.


When you are in Michigan let me know even if it is next year. I will do my best to come and meet with you for at least a lunch.


When you are in Michigan let me know even if it is next year. I will do my best to come and meet with you for at least a lunch.


Will do Rich and how is everything going these days?
Will do Rich and how is everything going these days?

Well to keep with the intent of the FIRST post made by you Terry, I am perfect. ;)


On the good notes I have a job coming out of the Bankruptcy.

Bad notes is we still have to get rid of another 4,000 people or 20% more by the end of September. They will be letting people go over time, so I will be working with that threat of beign let go every 15th and end of month when pay periods end.

I found out my house is worhtless given that only Bank Repos are selling right now.

I have loaned my reserve money to people in worse shape then me, so I know what I have may seem stressful and bad it is nto as bad as it can get.

It looks like we may have a couple of new students joing our club and for us this is good. We just cover rent, and try to keep to a small class size.

I hope all is well with you and your family. ?
I have come to the conclusion that my way of thinking is wqrong I need to go ahead and join the USAT bandwagon and start puckering up so that my players will be like and have a fair chance. All I would like to add is I am opening a fund forsome of the lower eand students so they can attend a Lopez or Moreno camp and become what only they can teach. I have seen the light never develope your own athlete take from somebody else who has put in the time to get them there and then turn around and **** on them. I have seen the light to the almighty USAT and the staff of experts they have, if only I was brainwash sooner.

In closing I would like to add that all of you that are against thenew way of the USAT please go and get checked out so you too can become a puppet like me.:asian:

Terry, I picked up the sarcasm too - way before I read Rich's post. Can I just say that's the best laugh I've had in weeks, that you would write that, and more, that people would really believe you meant it?!?!??! :roflmao: