Oh The Irony... Bald Eagles Attack Post Office Customers


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - A pair of bald eagles nesting near the Post Office in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, has taken to dive-bombing customers, in one case drawing blood, authorities said on Tuesday.
The eagles are raising newly hatched chicks for the second consecutive year in a nest on a bluff by the post office.

It's a natural reaction for a nesting pair. Wonders if they can't figure out a way to protect both the birds and the people at the same time. Heh, the perils of living close to nature.

Personally I think the eagles are pissed off the Post Office isn't delivering as much mail as before because of e-mails. But that's just me.
That is pretty aggressive for bald eagles, I've worked around and surveyed plenty of eagle nests before and never even come close to being buzzed. Totally different story than northern goshawks or prairie falcons or even crows which can become very aggressive.