Oh, that wacky Trey and Matt...

Hmmm. Perhaps Matt and Trey should remember that humor is taking the actual to extremes. When your already there, humor may not be possible.
Cool, I will be ready for that in October.

Post election cannot come fast enough.
So did anyone go see this over the weekend? I really wanted to but just didn't get the chance. They almost got an NC-17 rating and had to cut stuff in order to get the R rating. Who would thunk that you could get that high of a rating from puppets?
Of course I saw it ... I think we have about 4 or 5 different threads on this movie.

As you might expect, it was Vulgar. It was Funny. It was a bit too long. It was kind of a short movie.

You will need a shower after seeing the movie. But, you'll laugh.
