Hi all,
I have an odd question. I just tested for my 2nd gup today. Now, in the past, we have been told that we are not allowed to ask if we passed our test or not......the only way you would find out, is if you came to class the next time and the instructors taught you new material. At 2nd gup, there is no new material, so how would one know if they passed or not?
I have a feeling the answer is going to be "when your Sa Bum Nim puts a stripe on you belt" but I was just wondering if there was some way of telling.
Thank you!
So I walked into my masters office after class Monday and asked him, "how come there isn't any new material for 2nd gup?". In which he replied, "that's red belt to ya....it's a rough rank......there's nothing to teach. You do get a new break though. And be tankful that you are learned the Chil Sung forms because we can concentrate on them for the next six months."
So the good news: I passed!!
The bad news: It's gonna be a long six months until I can test again and learn something new. Maybe I should chill out a bit and start going twice a week instead of three times to avoid the threat of getting frustrated and bored.
Thanks to everyone that responded.