Obama says, "I'll release photos when it is politically expedient."


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Well, he didn't say that actually but that is what he will do. I wouldn't be surprised if he waits till the weekend before the 2012 election when he will release them to keep the issue from distracting from the election, oh and by the way he killed Obama, remember, see the picture?
Well, he didn't say that actually but that is what he will do. I wouldn't be surprised if he waits till the weekend before the 2012 election when he will release them to keep the issue from distracting from the election, oh and by the way he killed Obama, remember, see the picture?

It's more akin to saying ... they'll never be released... officially... but then someone just might "accidentally" leak them out.
its a win win and a lose lose

so, in classic obama style, he will never do anything

Yeahm you're right, he never does anythig. That's why the pictures exsist in the first place, because he never does anything, right? 8)
I've thought about this, I know it wouldn't have been respectful to the man, but, the man is NOT the religion. I mean, a whole lot of people talk all the time about how not all muslims are terrorists, right? So, why does displaying one murderous bastard's body have to be offensive to all muslims? What should have been done was something a tad Medieval. Put the son of a *****'s head on a pike in front of the White House, then, no one would need question that he was dead, or that we were ready to do the same to whoever steps into his sandals.
Respect is earned, he certainly didn't earn mine.
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Saw a nice line on a blog:
I can’t believe the same crowd that wanted Abu Ghraib pictures endlessly published find a photo confirming Osama bin Laden’s demise to be possibly inflammatory
Of course, those are the same people that don't like photos and video of 9-11 to be shown either...
Saw a nice line on a blog:

I can’t believe the same crowd that wanted Abu Ghraib pictures endlessly published find a photo confirming Osama bin Laden’s demise to be possibly inflammatory

Of course, those are the same people that don't like photos and video of 9-11 to be shown either...

Don, usually you drop a turd and then leave for everyone to smell and I *try* ... I *try* ... to leave it alone because it's as obvious as a dog dropping on the sidewalk.

But this one ... well, I truly don't know WTF you're talking about.

This comparison is not just apples versus oranges but you threw in a coconut as well.

Abu Ghraib = US military exhibiting psychologically sick behavior of custodial personnel.

9/11 = serious terrorist attack on the United States.

Death pics of OBL = gruesome "proof" of his death.

Tell ya what - if pictures and video prove anything to you beyond a shadow of a doubt then you have never seen an altered perspective photograph.

Personally, I'd like to see them. AND I'd like to know how they were able to determine his DNA for the confirmation of the remains and see the matching DNA reports. But it's SO DAMN EASY TO FAKE **** NOW!

I'd almost rather have seen him taken alive like Saddam Hussein was but that could also have incited a massive strike on the US. Hell, we might still get one.

MY frustration is the questionable validity of any and all media, their sources and what we call "evidence." Seeing those fotos will not completely pacify me, seeing a video will not completely pacify me.

Seems like he's dead but hey - there are so many murderers and child molestors and non-custodial parents and illegal aliens "hiding" right under our own noses here in this country, it's not a stretch to leave open the possibility that OBL is alive and still in hiding.

It is what it is, man.

On the chance that he IS dead? RIGHT ON!
Don, usually you drop a turd and then leave for everyone to smell and I *try* ... I *try* ... to leave it alone because it's as obvious as a dog dropping on the sidewalk.

But this one ... well, I truly don't know WTF you're talking about.

This comparison is not just apples versus oranges but you threw in a coconut as well.

Abu Ghraib = US military exhibiting psychologically sick behavior of custodial personnel.
Yeah a tiny minority who were all vigorously prosecuted... Yet the pictures which could not have been much more inflammatory were published far and wide.
9/11 = serious terrorist attack on the United States.
Pictures and videos of which are generally only seen around the second week in September, because, we don't want to inflame the Arab street, do we? News Flash, the Arab street is a street made up solely of houses ON FIRE.
Death pics of OBL = gruesome "proof" of his death.

Tell ya what - if pictures and video prove anything to you beyond a shadow of a doubt then you have never seen an altered perspective photograph.
Exactly why the body should NOT have been buried at sea. This man was not owed our respect. Bringing his body back and having well publicized and televised autopsy would absolutely have been inflammatory, it would have worked really well for flushing budding terrorists out of the rocks.
Personally, I'd like to see them. AND I'd like to know how they were able to determine his DNA for the confirmation of the remains and see the matching DNA reports. But it's SO DAMN EASY TO FAKE **** NOW!

I'd almost rather have seen him taken alive like Saddam Hussein was but that could also have incited a massive strike on the US. Hell, we might still get one.

MY frustration is the questionable validity of any and all media, their sources and what we call "evidence." Seeing those fotos will not completely pacify me, seeing a video will not completely pacify me.

Seems like he's dead but hey - there are so many murderers and child molestors and non-custodial parents and illegal aliens "hiding" right under our own noses here in this country, it's not a stretch to leave open the possibility that OBL is alive and still in hiding.

It is what it is, man.

On the chance that he IS dead? RIGHT ON!
Perhaps, had the White House not changed the story half a dozen times since the announcement... Or was the White House not now refusing to be forthcoming with more details. Or had President Obama made very clear that Pakistan is NOT our friend...
Don, there are reasons for putting the body into a watery grave.

The same reason why there is no grave for Adolf Hitler, or why Spandau Prison was torn down after the last inmate, one of the highest of the lesser Nazi brass died.

There are enough places and memorials there. You don't need to mark a spot for a shrine of the deviant.

Photos no longer tell the truth. They have not for a very long time, but in the past decade or so it's becoming increasingly easy to picture things the way you want them to be. Photoshop rocks that way...

Also, the pictures won't sway the determined either way:
It's either an insult or a lie...I suppose if you displayed the body on the Mall in DC people would not believe it to be him.

But as Tez pointed out, there is that thing we have to assume about ourselves.
When we go to war with the forces of evil, we have to mind our step lest we become one of them.
That means taking the honorable route, even though the enemy is using any method possible for emotional blackmail.
That is the principle behind our justice system to rather let 10 guilty people go before putting one innocent one in jail (or worse), that means not to commit the immoral and unethical, but to conduct ourselves with dignity.

The man might have not deserved respect and a decent burial at sea. But the United States of America surely deserved this: Nobody can point a finger and claim misconduct.

When you bill yourself as the Good Guy, you have to act the way.

As my dad used to point out when we tried to gain a benefit with 'But they do it!'
what others do is of no consequence. If they jumped off a bridge you wouldn't want to follow...
Oh for crying out loud

Could someone please explain to me how releasing photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden would be politically expedient.

How on earth with showing pictures of a dead Osama Bin Laden help anyones election in any way shape or form?

And if you believe it would you have a much lower opinion of that American voter than I do and that is absolutely amazing because I have a rather low opinion of voters
Okay, time to stand by your convictions. For those who say not to show the pictures because it will inflame the "arab street," or that no matter what you show, pictures can be photo shopped anyway...

Which of you who believes one or both of the above statement posted here that the photos from abu ghraib just absolutely needed to be shown to the world, even though the prosecutions were already being conducted of the troops responsible and showing these pictures would

a) inflame the arab street
b)could also have been photo shopped
by the time the election roles around people will have forgotten the happy feelings of Osama being dead. if gas reaches 5 or 6 dollars a gallon and the employment numbers stay where they are and food prices are on the rise because of Obama's energy policy, then Obama is going to do everything he can to get people to forget all that for that one day in november.

If he doesn't change his mind soon, and show the photos, I would not be surprised that there will be a birther type movement to see the photos. There is also a lot of talk overseas about not having shown the photo. So, around the end of October a false story could be pushed that not showing the photos is a big distraction to the "real issues" of the election, so Obama, much like the birth certificate, just wants to get the photos out of the way, to move past the silliness. Of course it will remind everyone that Osama was killed on Obama's watch.
Why do we need to see the photos? The proof will be in the dead silence of bin Laden not running al Qaeda. If he goes all Tupac and starts releasing videos which reference current events, then it might be time to ask for some evidence of his death. Otherwise, there is no reason to question the outcome of the operation.
by the time the election roles around people will have forgotten the happy feelings of Osama being dead. if gas reaches 5 or 6 dollars a gallon and the employment numbers stay where they are and food prices are on the rise because of Obama's energy policy, then Obama is going to do everything he can to get people to forget all that for that one day in november.

If he doesn't change his mind soon, and show the photos, I would not be surprised that there will be a birther type movement to see the photos. There is also a lot of talk overseas about not having shown the photo. So, around the end of October a false story could be pushed that not showing the photos is a big distraction to the "real issues" of the election, so Obama, much like the birth certificate, just wants to get the photos out of the way, to move past the silliness. Of course it will remind everyone that Osama was killed on Obama's watch.

So basically you are saying that the average America voter suffers from ADD and can be easily distracted by a picture of a Dead Osama and that will make them completely forget gas at 5 or 6 dollars a gallon low employment numbers are and food prices are on the rise… interesting…. Just imagine what Obama could do with a shinny nickel on Election Day to sway the vote

Now I have to say although I tend to look at most of your posts as ventose utterances of vacuity I have to admit I like your view of the American Voter… it makes mine look not so bad…although I do believe yours is still a much more politically motivated and a bit more optimistic than mine is
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I don't care if the photos are released or not. I've no interest in viewing a man's dead corpse, any man. i do see both sides of the arguement, but I think there is a segment of those argueing for release for no other reason than Obama has decided against releasing the pictures. If tomorrow he said, 'yeah, your right. You should see the pictures," these same people would be lambasting him for releasing them.

I think Granfire has a great post. We do not base our actions off those of people that act in ways we already despise. It is self-defeating and quite honestly immature. We are supposed to hold ourselves to a certain standard. Supposedly that is what makes us better than those we fight. Why give up the moral high ground or even the positive image of being a moral people? that is why Osama bin Laden's body was treated with respect, even as we reviled the man.

As always, the excuse someone else did something so it is okay to act in a manner we know is less than right just doesn't fly. it didn't as a kid and it doesn't as an adult.

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