Obama Forces the Captain To Retire...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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The Soggies have finally won: Cap'n Crunch is quietly sailing into retirement. Cap'n Crunch was once the No. 1 breakfast cereal, but pressure from the White House and health activists is having an effect on how PepsiCo and other food companies peddle their products to kids.


I'll be honest... I haven't eaten captain crunch in probably 10 years... but I will be sad to see an icon of my childhood disappear. (I signed the petition online to get him promoted to Admiral Crunch!) I suppose, tho, considering the obesity problems in this country, it's probably time for many of these extremely sugar filled cereals to either go away... according to the article sales of the captain are way down anyhow, probably because more and more parents become health conscious.
Not so fast:

Cap'n Crunch says "Shiver Me Timbers" about rumors its products are retiring after 48 years. Quaker Oats and PepsiCo, the makers of the sugar-laden cereals have responded in a social media and PR campaign to refute the rumors. However, watch dog groups for child nutrition still suggest healthier options despite the nutritional value in the long-standing cereal

billcihak said:
first they came for the captain, and I didn't say anything...

Here's your sign: :lfao:


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Leave my Captian Crunch alone!! It doesn't matter that it cuts the roof of your mouth with its sugary goodness!
I wouldn't miss it at all
that crap always left a nasty aftertaste.
naw i am still coocoo for coco puffs
and froster flakes are still GGGGGRRRREEEEEAAATT
and I can always handle the occasional
cinnamin toast crunch, fruity pebbles, coco pebbles, fruit loops, apple jacks, and my kids love those dang lucky charms...
Enjoy those cereals while you have them luckyboxer. Once the food police win a victory, they move on to the next villain. Tony the tiger may be next.
The Saturday Morning cartoons are gone, so why not the cereal....
Not if you have cable.

I don't count 3AM Saturday morning...no, wait, that was Saturday NIGHT...

I meant good cartoons, not that garbage that passes for it these days.
(and trust me, I am up to speed on that!)

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