Not the Sort of News We Wanted


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
This is my iaido sensei in our local newspaper commenting on something we've been expecting for a while but hoped would not come to pass:

As with many local newspapers, the Sentinel is somewhat renowned for mixing up its facts and relying too much upon Spellcheck rather than proof-reading to get it's spelling right.

Not too bad in this short article - except that there aren't 18 of us in the iai class - that'll be sensei's karate class (or maybe they added in the Katori boys we share the place with).

What we're going to do, I don't know :(.
At 73, with a wife aged 34, I would think he'll bounce back fine!!! :0

But seriously, finding the right space is a major challenge. I hope things work out.
Money talks! Don't worry about the ratepayers and those who benefit from the facility or the swimming pools or childcare centres, etc.

Now let me check my maths. Government cuts grants to council. Council cuts £35.6 million in services. That balances the books and everyone can now meet at the local pub. Get them to put a room aside for child care and another room out the back for MA. Just can't think where to go swimming ... maybe you have a river somewhere near?

Let me do my best Sherlock Holmes impersonation. "Mmmm , I suspect the local member may be Labour. Simple my dear Watson!"

When's the next council election? :asian:

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