Not Quite Ready for Jihad Time

Bob Hubbard

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"I just finished reading reports of Israeli tanks massing on the Gaza border in preparation for a possible assault on Gaza in retaliation for a Hamas attack on a military base on the Israeli side of the border. Tank battalions rolling over an international border, guns blazing—that’s an image of a ground war, even if no one shoots back. Likewise, Rommel’s forces thundering across North Africa in World War II, Americans slaughtering each other at Gettysburg during the Civil War, the British burning Buffalo in 1812, Hitler’s forces overrunning Poland in 1939, Roman chariots tearing across Europe—these are ground wars.

Prince Manna

Now picture a lone, disheveled Moses wannabe, who, according to Knight Ridder newspapers, wandered Miami’s impoverished Liberty City neighborhood wearing bathrobes and capes, sometimes carrying a worn walking stick. Does this also constitute a ground war? The answer, if you count on Fox News or CNN for your interpretation of reality, is yes."
But there is no international border. Israel would like to put one around there, but the folks living on the other side don't want to.
I remember reading about this here in Finland. If I remember correctly, the reporter said that usually for these kind of people all you need to do is sent the sheriff's deputy to make the arrest. His opinion was that this was just a case of scaremongering on the part of US government, since elections are just around the corner
So.....just how much does Israel have to give up before the Palestinians (and the rest of the Middle East for that matter) stop trying to destroy them?

They give up concession after concession on empty promise after empty promise that the bombings and other terrorist attacks will stop; they never do though.

Can you honestly blame them for rolling out the tanks? How much would you tolerate on a personal level? Let's say everyone in your neighborhood wants you dead. Every time you leave the driveway someone shoots at you. You try to build a wall to protect yourself, but the other neighbors protest it so you cave in to the community's wishes and stop building it and instead give part of your yard up to your neighbor in order to have them stop shooting at you. Everything is fine for a week or so, then one day as you're walking to your car..."BANG"...the neighbor takes a shot at you again. Luckily it misses you, but hits your daughter instead...killing her.... Do you roll out your tanks now?
Umm, guys, did you actually read the article? The article doesn't have anything to do with Israel. True, whoever wrote that article seems biased against Israel, but the article itself deals with the arrested "terrorist cell" in Miami
Basically, this "terrorist cell", which needed to be driven around by the feds, looks to have been little more than some rather dumb individuals, who were trying to scam Al Qeida for cash and easily liquidated items. They were pushed and encouraged by the Feds, who made a highly publicized bust of them, just as the illegal spying of US citizens by the US Government was reveled. The "terror arrest" of course, killed most mention of the continued violation and erosion of the rights of US citizens from all but a few publications...which was the intent.
Bob Hubbard said:
Basically, this "terrorist cell", which needed to be driven around by the feds, looks to have been little more than some rather dumb individuals, who were trying to scam Al Qeida for cash and easily liquidated items. They were pushed and encouraged by the Feds, who made a highly publicized bust of them, just as the illegal spying of US citizens by the US Government was reveled. The "terror arrest" of course, killed most mention of the continued violation and erosion of the rights of US citizens from all but a few publications...which was the intent.

one must appreciate that these numbnuts were actually just good capitalists finding ripe opportunity to make some bucks off islamic radicals.

these high profile terrorist busts always seem to be tripe sent out to distract the american people from the growing sense that the war in iraq was ill-advised, ill-planned, ill-executed and making our country ill with mounting debt and massive increase in energy costs.

BTW-- what happened to the technicolor terror alerts? i didn't get my code red on that one:idunno:
I do not find it surprising. The government is great at those slight of hand, up close, magic tricks. I would hardly call that group dangerous, they were definitely stupid, but not dangerous.
The goverment will provide the problem and the solution and the sheeple are none the wiser, just makes them feel safer.
CanuckMA said:
But there is no international border. Israel would like to put one around there, but the folks living on the other side don't want to.
it's the other way around
palestinians are calling for 1967 borders but israel wishes to expand more and thus they are unwilling to define borders.
I can't really say that I blame Isreal. I think I heard it described best on the radio yesterday:

"If Palestine would lay down its arms there would be peace, If Isreal would lay down its arms there would be no Isreal."

I personally think that pretty much hits the nail on the head. Seems to me that there is nothing that Isreal can do (short of not existing) that will make the other side happy.

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